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Latest Sindh Jobs in Pakistan 2025
Sindh Jobs in Pakistan 2025 Upcoming Latest Mar
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KWSB Jobs 2016 Karachi Water and Sewerage Board Latest Advertisement
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Latest KWSB Jobs 2016 Karachi Water and Sewerage Board Latest Advertisement. Job Opportunities for the Minorities who are not well educated are available in reputed Government department named as Karachi Water & Sewerage Board working under Human Resources Development and Administration Department and it invites applications for the numerous positions of Health Worker (BS-03). Appointment of these positions will be held on purely regular basis and selected candidates have to perform their duties at Sewerage / Sanitation System of KW&SB. Candidates willing to apply should hold valid domicile of Sindh and at least Matric / Middle / Primary qualification and should be medically fit. So, viewers take advantage from this opportunity and apply as soon as possible and make your future successful by having job in such department where you’ll earn handsome salary package per month and other fringe benefits. In the following you’ll have complete how to apply procedure for these positions.
Karachi Water and Sewerage Board
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Matric, Middle, Primary |
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District and Session Court Ghotki Jobs 2016 NTS Form Download
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Get District and Session Court Ghotki Jobs 2016 NTS Form Download. Jobs in District and Session Court Ghotki Sindh are available and it is seeking for highly educated and skilled candidates for the following positions such as (Stenographer, Hardware and Network Technician, Junior Clerk, Driver, Naib Qasid, Chowkidar, Farash and Sanitary Worker / Sweeper). Appointment of above mentioned positions will be held on purely contract basis which is extendable on satisfactory performance of individual. Candidates willing to apply should possess qualification from Bachelors to Primary with relevant skills and diplomas as per the demand of vacant positions. So, only eligible candidates who wanted to make their future successful need to apply as per the following how to apply procedure given below and once you are selected against these positions you’ll be able to earn handsome salaries with other fringe benefits as per the policy of session court ghotki.
District and Session Court Ghotki
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Bachelors, Intermediate, Matric, Middle, Primary |
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Higher Education Commission HEC Pakistan Jobs 2016 Apply Online Latest
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Today reputed Government Department offers Higher Education Commission HEC Pakistan Jobs 2016 Apply Online Latest. The Higher Education Commission of Pakistan has advertised the job vacancies and is inviting the most educated, well disciplined, self-oriented and diligent applicants for the Project Funded positions the services of highly eligible and suitable applicants are required to fill the following vacancies which includes Deputy Director, Assistant Director, Sports Officer, Superintendent and Assistant are required to apply for these awesome post. So, after having the face off and names of post now the eligibility for Sr No,1 includes Ph.D with one year experience working in any private/Govt or Semi Govt department OR M.Phil or Masters degree holders from the well reputed institutes along with MS expertise are welcome to apply whereas for rest of the posts as for Sr No,2 & 3 Masters degree is required with MS experience and for Sr No 4 & 5 Graduation degree holders are invited to apply with relevant working experience and for last post the IT Course is needed with six months training. The regional quota is there to apply for Sindh, Punjab, KPK & AJK. Age limit for Sr No,1 should be 30 to 40 years and for Sr No,2 to4 21 to 30 years whereas for 5th post the applicants possess the 20 to 30 years age limit. So guys, hit the button to apply and get the Govt sector jobs which is full of fringe benefits ahead. Now, let's have a look on its applying process. in our next heading.
Higher Education Commission
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Ph.D, M.Phil, Masters, Graduation |
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NAB Karachi Jobs 2016 National Accountability Bureau NTS Online Form
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Here on 18th of October 2016 I am going to display a fresh job opportunity from NAB Karachi Jobs 2016 National Accountability Bureau NTS Online Form. The National Accountability Bureau is inviting the domicile holders of Sindh (Rural/Urban) highly educated, very experienced, hardworking and well disciplined candidates for the following positions such as Assistant, Stenotypist, Lowe Division Clerk and Naib Qasid are the posts which needs to be filled at the respective time. As, the vacancies are lying before you to choose and apply now i will discuss its eligibility criteria as for 1st post the applicants should be Bachelor's degree within 2nd Class from a HEC recognized university along with Computer Certificate and relevant expertise are welcome to be hired, for 2nd post the applicants should be Intermediate with Computer Certificate and short hand typing expertise are required, for 3rd post Matric pass individuals are required with 30wpm typing speed and for the last post middle pass applicants are required. For all these posts computer operation experience will be preferred the most except for Naib Qasid. Age limit should be 18 to 30 years. Govt service employees should apply through proper channel. So, now let's head towards its applying criteria below.
National Accountability Bureau
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Bachelor's, Intermediate, Matric, Middle |
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Agriculture Research Sindh Tandojam Jobs 2016 Current Vacancies
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here at this page leading job page you will be having the job offer from Agriculture Research Sindh Tandojam Jobs 2016 Current Vacancies. The applications are now and recently announced from the Agriculture Research Sindh Tandojam is currently looking to recruit the highly educated, very experienced, hardworking and self motivated candidates for the vacant post of Agriculture Consultant is required for the project named " development of Technology For Hybrid Seed Production in Sindh) ADP-04 Hybrid of Sun Flower, Cotton and Rice through advanced technologies is looking for this vacant situation. The eligibility criteria which is required for this post includes Ph.D in Plant Breeding & Genetic Agriculture with minimum 15 years experience is required in Plant Breeding whereas the preference will be given to those applicants who are having the Hybrid Seed expertise are required. Age limit should be 50 to 65 years. Appointment will be done on project and contract basis for the period of 6 months which can be extended further on better performance for 18 months for the period of 3 years. Attractive salary package will be given to the applicants of Rs.150,000/ per month with wonderful atmosphere will be given to the applicants. So, now let’s jump towards how to apply procedure given below.
Agriculture Research Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Ph.D |
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Counter Terrorism Department Sindh Police Constable Jobs 2016 NTS Online Form
Today on 11th of October 2016 a goo job offer is being offered from Counter Terrorism Department Sindh Police Constable Jobs 2016 NTS Online Form. The applications are invited from the Counter Terrorism Department Sindh Police is looking to recruit the dynamic, eligible, energetic and minimum qualification holding applicants for the posts of 1000 Police Constables and Lady Police Constables are required to apply for these posts. For all the domicile holders of Sindh its the wonderful opportunity that they come forward and apply for these awesome jobs and both genders are welcome to apply. As, for applying eligibility criteria is must to be filled which is simple as the applicants should be having the Matriculation from the recognized BISE which should be located in Sindh are welcome to apply. Age limit should be 18 to 25 years. The Physical Requirements for male includes Chest Size should be "33 by 34 Inch" and Height should be "5 by 5 Inches". For the Lady Police Constable the height should be "5 Inch only and the ladies have to walk and cover the distance of 800 meters in 14 minutes. Attractive salary package will be given to the applicants. So, after having these details now let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Counter Terrorism Department Sindh Police
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Matric |
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Livestock and Fisheries Department Sindh Jobs 2016 For Research Officer
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Here on 8th of October 2016 a well and food job offer is being offered from Livestock and Fisheries Department Sindh Jobs 2016 For Research Officer. The applications are being invited from Livestock & Fisheries Department under the Development Scheme No,#ADP, 1214, for the " Establishment of Stationery and Mobile Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory for Milk and Meat Zones and for Control of its Disease" following well known vacant situations are vacant to apply for which the services of well disciplined, caliber, capable and eligible applicants are required to apply for the following posts which includes Research Officer, Senior Laboratory Technician, Laboratory Assistant, Laboratory Attendant, Driver, Chowkidar, Sweeper are the posts which needs to be filled by the applicants right before due date. The overall eligibility criteria for all of these wonderful posts includes MS.c, DVM, Intermediate, Matric from the well reputed university along with relevant expertise are needed to apply for these posts. Age limits are different for these posts. Domicile holders of Sindh, Badin, Mirpurkhas and Thatta are welcome to apply. Recruitment will be made on contract basis till the project goes on and will remain continue till the completion of project. Attractive salary package will be given to the applicants. So, after having these details now let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Livestock and Fisheries Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MS.c, DVM, Intermediate, Matric |
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Office of Advocate General Sindh Jobs 2016 Karachi Latest Add
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Today at this job page page you will be having the latest job opportunity from Office of Advocate General Sindh Jobs 2016 Karachi Latest Add. The applications are being invited from Office of the Advocate General Sindh, Karachi is currently offering the vacant situation for which the services of eligible, adroit, caliber and well disciplined applicants are required to apply for the following posts which includes Junior Scale Stenographer, Data Processing Officer, Junior Clerk, Driver, Naib Qasid and Sweeper are the vacancies which needs to be filled by the applicants who meet the needs of the jobs so come ahead and hit the button to apply. Now, l will throw light on the eligibility criteria of these posts as For Sr No,1 the applicants should be Intermediate from a recognized institute along with expertise in Computer Operation/ MS Office form STEVTA/ Trade Testing Board and Sindh Board of Technical Education with at least 40/80 wpm typing speed is needed, For Sr No,2 Graduate with 3 years experience and Diploma in IT & Computer Science is needed, For Sr No,3 the applicants should be Intermediate and well versed in typing and computer skills and for rest of the posts Matric, Middle and Literate persons are required to apply. Age limit should be 18 to 28 years. So, these all are the complete details now let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Office of the Advocate General Sindh
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Graduation, Intermediate, Matric, Middle, Literate |
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Health Department Jobs Oct 2016 Govt of Sindh Apply Online Last Date
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Here at this job page i am going to enlist the recent job opportunity from Health Department Jobs Oct 2016 Govt of Sindh Apply Online Last Date. The Govt of Sindh's Health Department which is paying its services in the field of Health since beginning is currently seeking to appoint the individuals for the Public Private Partnership Node the services of well and good candidates, experience, adroit, suitable, talented and well experienced individuals are required to apply for the number of the vacant position which are entitled as Public Health Specialist, Monitoring &Evaluation Specialist, Procurement Specialist, Finance Specialist, Communication Specialist, Administration/Accounts Officer, Information Technology Professional/Computer Operator, Office Assistant, Graphic Developer, Office Attendant and Driver are the vacancies which needs to be filled by the applicants. As, i have displayed the vacant situations before you now you need to have the relevant expertise and education ans overall degrees which is required for these marvelous posts includes MBA/MPH/MSC/MBBS, LL.B/LL.M, CA/ACCA/CFA/ICMA, M.A, B.A/BS.c, BS I.T/BBA, Bachelor's,Relevant Diploma, Matric from the well reputed universities and colleges along with relevant each field work expertise are mandatory to be had by the applicants. Appointment of the following posts will be done on temporary basis and can be extended further on the basis of need as well as on better performance. So, after having all these details finally i will jump now towards it applying criteria below.
Health Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBA/MPH/MSC/MBBS, LL.B/LL.M, CA/ACCA/CFA/ICMA, M.A, B.A/BS.c, BS I.T/BBA, Bachelor's,Relevant Diploma, Matric |
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Federal Government Organization Jobs 2016 NTS Application Form Download Online
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Tap to this page and have Federal Government Organization Jobs 2016 NTS Application Form Download Online. Latest job opportunities are announced in Federal Government Department and to ensure transparency, fairness & merit, organization has authorized NTS to conduct recruitment test for the following positions such as (Stenotypist, Data Entry Operator, GD, OM, Technician, Dark Room Assistant, Auto Electrician, OM, GD, Staff Car Driver, NC, Waiter, Cook and Mali). Against these positions different quotas are available such as for Open Merit, Female Quota, Minority Quota, Punjab Quota, Sindh Rural Quota, Sindh Urban Quota, KPK Quota, Balochistan Quota, Gilgit Baltistan Quota, FATA Quota and Ex-Servicemen Quota is also available. Appointment of these positions will be on contract basis which can be permanent on satisfactory performance of individual. Candidates willing to apply should read carefully the eligibility criteria mentioned in the following image and according to the criteria candidates should hold any of the following qualification (Graduation / Intermediate / Matric / Middle / Primary / Relevant Diploma)which can be permanent on satisfactory performance of individual. Candidates willing to apply should read carefully the eligibility criteria mentioned in the following image and according to the criteria candidates should hold any of the following qualification (Graduation / Intermediate / Matric / Middle / Primary / Relevant Diploma) against the relevant position. Those candidates who fulfill the criteria should apply as per the following how to apply procedure given below after this paragraph.
Federal Autonomous Organization
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Graduation, Intermediate, Matric, Middle, Primary, Relevant Diploma |
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Bibi Asifa Dental College Larkana Jobs 2016 Online Form Download
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Today i am going to flip a recent job offer from Bibi Asifa Dental College Larkana Jobs 2016 Online Form Download. The well known established Dental College named Bibi Asifa Dental College Larkana which is having the affiliation with the SMBBMU University is currently announced the Faculty posts and is the good news who wishes to join this Dental College in order to surf their skills and get employed over there are welcome with the open arms to apply for the following posts in the Basic and Clinical Sciences as Professor (Basic) (Anatomy, Science or Dental Material, Oral Biology, Oral Pathology, Community & Preventive Dentistry) (Clinical- Oral Medicine, Periodontology, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Prosthodontics, Othodontics etc), Associate Professor (Basic) (Anatomy, Science or Dental Material, Oral Biology, Community & Preventive Dentistry & Oral Pathology) (Clinical- Oral Medicine, Periodontology, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Prosthodontics, Othodontics etc), Assistant Professor (General Pathology, Operative/restorative/conservative Dentistry, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery,Othodontics & Oral Pathology) and Senior Registrar (Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery,Othodontics) are required to apply with overall qualification of MBBS, FCPS/MS/MD/FRCS/M.Phil/Ph.D which must be having the recognition from the PMDC along with similar capacity expertise are required to apply for such jobs. Age limit will be considered as per Govt rules. Appointment are on regular as well as on contract basis. So, after having such details let's move to have its applying method below.
Bibi Asifa Dental College
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBBS, FCPS/MS/MD/FRCS/M.Phil/Ph.D |
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PIA Jobs 2016 Pakistan Inspection Assistant Application Form Download
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Tap to this page and have PIA Jobs 2016 Pakistan Inspection Assistant Application Form Download. Pakistan International Airline currently requires talented energetic and self motivated candidates who can perform their duties honestly and passionately for which it invites applications from the Pakistani Nationals for the following position of Inspection Assistant. There are total 14 vacant positions are available which allocate in such way that 01 Post is for Open Merit Basis, 07 Posts for Punjab, 02 Posts for KPK, 02 Posts Sindh (R), 01 Post for Sindh (U) and 01 Post Balochistan are available. Those candidates who are willing to apply should possess Qualification such as 2nd Class Bachelor’s degree preferably with Science from any recognized university / institute and Training / Courses such as candidate should be Computer Literate or Trade related basic training / courses will be preferred and candidate should have Experience minimum 03 years in the relevant field with an organization of repute and Age maximum 30 years as on 20th October, 2016. So, only suitable candidates meeting criteria should apply as per the following how to apply procedure given below.
Pakistan International Airlines
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Bachelors |
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