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Latest Fresh Jobs in Pakistan 2025
Fresh Jobs in Pakistan 2025 Upcoming Latest Mar
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King Edward Medical University Lahore Jobs 2016 Latest Current Vacancies
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Here at this job page you will have the fresh job offer of today's date from King Edward Medical University Lahore Job 2016 Latest Current Vacancies. The well known and popular university of Lahore named "King Edward Medical University is located in Lahore is currently in probe of appointing the well educated, well disciplined and high profiled applicants to apply against the two positions which includes Associate Professor (Medicine, Surgery, Orthopaedics, Pediatrics, Obstt & Gynae) and Assistant Professor (Medicine, Surgery, Orthopaedics, Pediatrics, Obstt & Gynae) are required to apply against these posts. The applicants will be appointed for the period of one years initially but the will be regularize on the statement or command of the regular incumbent of the KEMU. The applicants have to work in the following hospitals which includes (Govt, Nawaz Sharif Hospital, Yaki Gate Lahore, Govt, Mian Munshi Hospital, Lahore, Govt Kot Khawaja Saeed Hospital, Lahore & Govt Said Mitha Hospital, Lahore) are the places where the applicants will be appointed to work, The qualification and expertise will be as per Govt pf Punjab, SHC & ME Teaching Rules. Age limit for Sr No1 should be 50 years and for the second post should be 45 years to apply. Attractive salary package will be given to the applicants with good working environment. So, now after having these all details let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
King Edward Medical University
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBBS, FCPS |
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Punjab Industrial Estate Development & Management Company Jobs 2016 Latest Add
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Here at this job page you will have the recent job offer from Punjab Industrial Estate Development & Management Company Jobs 2016 Latest Add. The Punjab Industrial Estate Development & Management Company is the company which is engaged in development of industrialization of the Punjab is the Govt of Punjab's with Public Private partnership is in probe of eligible, high profiled, adroit applicants to fill the vacant situation of Secretary to Chairman is required over there to apply for this post. The qualification which is required for this post includes Graduation with 10 years experience in the similar capacity is required but the applicants who have are having the 5 years expertise working with the Govt and multinational companies as a Secretary and Staff Officer are required to apply. The applicants must be well versed in MS Office and Computer literacy is mandatory to be had by the applicants. Retired Army officers are also eligible to apply. The age of the applicants should be 35-50 years. The company offers the attractive salary package with fringe benefits from the company die will be given to the candidates. So, all those applicants who are seekers of Govt jobs must apply for this job and be the first one to get employed. Now, let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Punjab Industrial Estate Development & Management Company
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Graduation |
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PCRET Islamabad Jobs 2016 Pakistan Council of Renewable Energy Technologies Latest
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Today at this job page you will have the wonderful job offer from PCRET Islamabad Jobs 2016 Pakistan Council of Renewable Energy Technologies Latest. The Pakistan Council of Renewable Energy Technologies Islamabad which is working under the Ministry of Science and Technology is currently inviting the eligible, adroit, caliber and capable applicants are required from the Pakistan are required to fill the following vacant situations which includes Driver, Dispatch Rider, Lab Attendant and Chowkidar are required to apply for these posts. Both male and female are equally invited to come and apply. The appointment of the above positions will be done on contract basis which are likely to be extended upon the satisfactory performance of the applicants. The applicants who are having the domicile of Sindh, KPK, Punjab, Balochistan, Gilgit Baltistan, Rawalpindi and Islamabad are need to apply for these positions. Female applicants are also required to apply. For the Sr No, 1 |& 2 possess the Primary qualification with the relevant driving license are required to apply whereas for the third post the Matriculation degree is required and for the last post also Primary qualification is also required. The age limit should be 18-30 years for Sr No,1 ,2 & 4 and for Sr No,3 18-25 years and the 5 years age relaxation will be admissible to the applicants. Enough salary package will be given to the applicants. So, let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Pakistan Council of Renewable Energy Technologies
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Matric, Primary |
Jobs in Pakistan FULL TIME
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WAPDA Jobs 2016 Pakistan For Data Entry Operator NTS Application Form Download Online
Fore the govt job seekers here is good news is there from WAPDA Jobs 2016 Pakistan For Data Entry Operator NTS Application Form Download Online. The Water & Power development Authority is the well known and reputed sector of electricity with the wide network throughout the country and is currently given an advertisement of the fresh job opportunities which includes Data Entry Operator, Stenographer Grade-02 and Junior Clerk are required over there is this authority to come and fill these vacancies through their skills and relevant expertise. The appointment of the above posts will be doe on contract basis. For all of these posts the qualification which is required includes for Sr No,1 BCS, BS.c,, B.A with 2nd Division in Maths/ Physics/ Economics with speed of 16000 per depression key and typing speed of 45 wpm. For the second post the applicants same qualification is required but the applicants must possess the sound knowledge of MS Office and computer works with short hand typing and for the last vacant the Matric qualification is required with typing speed and proficiency in current PC Operating System is required to hold these jobs meticulously. Age limit should be 18-30 years and the age relaxation will be admissible to the specific cases. the quota is reserved for minorities, women, and regional / provincial quota is there to apply fro these positions. So, after having these all details now, its time to move towards its applying criteria below.
Water & Power Development Authority
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
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NAB Rawalpindi Jobs 2016 National Accountability Bureau NTS Online Form
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Today at this job page you will have the recent job opportunity from NAB Rawalpindi Jobs 2016 National Accountability Bureau NTS Online Form. The National Accountability Bureau Rawalpindi / Islamabad is currently given an advertisement to hire the eligible, adroit, caliber and capable individuals are required to fill the following vacant situations which includes Stenotypist and DEO are required to apply and fill these vacancies through their relevant skills and qualification. The qualification which is required for Sr No,1 includes Intermediate with 2nd Division or Grade "C" with shorthand typing speed of 40/80 wpm and certificates in the computer operations are required. For the second post the qualification includes Bachelor's degree in Mathematics/Physics/ Economics/ Statistics is required from the HEC recognized institute along with expertise of 10,000 key per depression and computer operation is preferred to be had. Age limit should be 18-30 years. The applicants who belong to Rawalpindi and Gilgit Baltistan are also required to apply. The appointment of the above posts will be done on temporary basis. The quota is reserved 10% for Women, 5% for minorities and 2% for disable persons. Attractive salary package will be given to the applicants with wonderful working environment. So, after having these details let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Nattional Accountability Bureau
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Bachelor's, Intermediate |
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Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University Islamabad Jobs 2016 For Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff
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For those who are educational institute job seekers the job is being announced from Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University Islamabad Jobs 2016 For Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff. The Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University of Islamabad is currently seeking and in probe of eligible, adroit, caliber and most well educated individuals are required to hold and fill the following vacancies such as Associate Professor (Doctor of Physical Therapy), Assistant Professor (Doctor of Physical Therapy), Lecturer-DPT, Lecturer(Medical Lab Technology), Lecturer (Medical Imaging Technology), Lecturer (Cardiovascular Technology), Medical Technologist, Secretary (Medical Technology), Library Assistant and Office Boy are required to apply for these jobs. The qualification criteria for the first and second post will be as per HEC criteria whereas for the rest of the post the the overall qualification includes DPT, M.Phil, BS,,BAA, BLIS, Relevant Diploma, Matric is required form the HEC recognized institute are required to apply with the several years expertise in the relevant field experience for several years is required working the reputed organizations. Attractive salary package will be offered to the applicants with the great pleasant environment to work over there. So guys, tap to this page and apply fro all quality of jobs of bundles where fantastic sort of stuff is waiting for you to come and choose and hit the button to apply. Now, let's head towards its applying criteria below.
Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | DPT, M.Phil, BS,,BAA, BLIS, Relevant Diploma, Matric |
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Irrigation Department Punjab Jobs 2016 Advertisement Latest
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Here in the following i am going to enlist a job details from Irrigation Department Punjab Jobs 2016 Advertisement Latest. The Office of the Executive Engineer Civil Rasul Division LGC Rasul , Irrigation Department , Govt of Punjab is seeking to hire the minimum qualification holder individuals who should be healthy and well versed in the field work are required to fill the following vacancies which includes Driver, Artificer, Telephone Attendant, Guage Reader, Plumber, Head Boatman, Assistant Coolie, Chowkidar, Chowkidar cum Cook, Baildar, Regulation Baildar, Canal Guard, Dak Runner, Gate Keeper, Mali cum Chowkidar, Mali, Security Guard, Sanitary Worker / Sweeper, Naib Qasid, Treasurer and Store Chowkidar are required for this department to come and fill the vacant situations. The Matric, Middle and Primary holding qualification are welcome to apply who should be having the proficiency in each field work are required to submit their application. The applying applicants must belong to Mandi Bahauddin, Sargodha or Jhelum. The job is on contract basis for the duration of 3 years. The quota is reserved for 15% Women, 5% for minorities and 20% for in service employees from 1 to 5 serial number.. For the positions of Baildar the applicants must possess the height of 5 feet 6 inches and chest size should be 33 inches is required and the candidates should be having the swimming expertise will be preferred. Age limits are 18-30 years for all the post and for few posts the 30-45 and 322-35 years is required. So, after having these all details now i sum up my ideas by saying that next step is to move towards its applying procedure.
Irrigation Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Matric, Middle, Primary |
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Population Welfare Department Kasur Jobs 2016 For Females Latest Add
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Here at this page we will discuss about a job opportunity from Population Welfare Department Kasur Jobs 2016 For Females Latest Add. The Population Welfare Department of Kasur Govt of Punjab is currently looking to hire energetic, capable and adroit females for their project named " 9PMU), Extension for Family Welfare Centre & Introduction of Community Based Family Planning Workers" required to fill the vacant situation of Community Based Family Planning Worker (Female) are required to apply. The recruitment will be mad eon contract basis on temporary basis for the duration of one year which can leads to further extension upon the satisfactory performance of the females upto 30th July 2016. The qualification which is required for this post should be Matric from a recognized board or Middle pass females are required to apply. Married females bearing two children and those who are divorced are liable to apply. At the time of selection pregnant women will not be selected. The females who should accept to visit the houses of peoples as the part of duty and accepts to keep the sign board on its house will be preferred those who fulfill all these requirements will be selected to apply. The vacancy is vacant in number of the union councils to apply. Age limit should be 25-30 years and monthly 9000/pay will be given and on the good conduct the Rs.200 will be increased annually. So, let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Population Welfare Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Matric, Middle |
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UNHCR Pakistan Jobs 2016 Lahore For Admin Assistant Eligibility Criteria
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Today at this job platform you will get a fresh offer of job from UNHCR Pakistan Jobs 2016 Lahore For Admin Assistant Eligibility Criteria. The United Nations High Commission for Refugees is the organization which is working to support the refugees on the basis of Govt is currently looking to recruit the eligible, adroit, well educated and literate persons individuals for the position which includes Admin Assistant, Watchman/ Messenger and Sweeper are required over there to come and fill the vacant situations right now before the due date. As far as i have showcased the vacancies now its time to discuss its educational criteria which includes BA/BS.c for the 1st post along with 2 years experience in the field of computer is required and for rest of the two positions literate persons are required who should be well versed in their field work will be hired. Appointment will be done on temporary and contract basis. Age limit should be 25-35 years and monthly attractive salary package will be given according to the pay scale and designation. The domicile holder of Punjab are liable to throw their applications soon and the applicants have to do the duty in Lahore for all posts. So, guys, highly simple criteria is there to apply if you possess the same criteria so apply and get employed soon. No,w let's have a tour on its applying criteria below.
UNHCR Fund Project Lahore
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | BA/BS.C, Literate |
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Provincial Highway Division Sargodha Jobs 2016 Test & Interview Schedule
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Today here at this page you will have the job offer from Provincial Highway Division Sargodha Jobs 2016 Test & Interview Schedule. The Provincial Highway Department of Sargodha is recently feels the need of eligible, suitable and talented applicants for the vacant situations of Computer Operator, Baildar and Supervisor are required in this department on work charge basis to fill these vacant positions for these the services of eligible applicants are required to apply. The appointment will be done for the year as 2016-17 on temporary basis which can be increased or decreased further. The qualification which is required for the post numbed 1 includes B.A along with shorthand typing with 25 words per minute and for the next post the Middle qualification is required along with relevant field expertise and those whoa re going to apply for the post of Supervisor they possess the Civil Diploma are required to apply. The salary will be given according to the Govt policy of Daily Wages and on the on the basis of fund. The age limit for Sr No,1 & 2 should be 18-45 years and for the third post should be only 18 years. The employees of work charge will be dismissed without assigning any reason at any time for which the applicants are unable to appeal in the court. According to the job scale good salary package will be given. So, have a look on these awesome jobs and apply before due date.,Now,lets' take a tour on its applying details further.
Provincial Highway Division
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | B.A, Relevant Diploma, Middle |
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KPK Police Department Jobs 2016 For Constables NTS Application Form Download Online
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Today a fresh job opportunity is there for the natives of KPK from KPK Police Department Jobs 2016 For Constables NTS Application Form Download Online. The KPK's Police Department is willing and wishing to hire the eligible, adroit, brilliant ad well discipline applicants against the post of Police Constables and Traffic Warden Constables are required to apply for these post and the NTS is authorized to conduct the physical and written test for these two posts. The both male and females are liable to apply for these jobs. The applicants who are having the domicile of KPK are liable to apply. The quota is reserved for the 10% Women, 3% for Minorities and 10% for the in service employees and 2% will be given to the employees children whose parent have expired during the duty and rest of the8% quota is reserved for Police employees will be given. In the Peshawar district the recruitment will be done only for the post of Traffic Warden Police this year. So, after discussing these all details now let';s turn towards the eligibility criteria and towards its applying criteria below.
KPK Police Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Matric |
Jobs in Pakistan FULL TIME
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Federal Ombudsman Secretariat Islamabad Jobs 2016 BTS Test & Sample Paper Download
Here at this job page you will get the latest job opportunity from Federal Ombudsman Secretariat Islamabad Jobs 2016 BTS Test & Sample Paper Download. The Govt sector named Federal Ombudsman Secretariat Islamabad Jobs 2016 BTS Test & Sample Paper Download is looking to recruit the individuals for the post of Assistant Private Secretary, Upper Division Clerk, Lower Division Clerk, Driver and Sweeper are required to apply for these posts and fulfill these position before the due time. The domicile holders of Balochistan and local applicants who are under the "Aghaz-e-Huq00q-e-Balochistan" are liable to apply for this post. The qualification which is required for the Sr No, 1 includes Bachelor's degree from a renowned university along with shorthand typing expertise and must be well versed in computer works are eligible to apply. For the Sr No,2 Intermediate Matric for Sr No,3 and Primary pass applicants are required for the rest of the two posts and Driver must possess the driving skills are required to apply. Age limit should be 18-25 years and the applicants will be posted in the Federal Ombudsman Secretariat Head Office Islamabad & Quetta. Attractive salary package will be given to the applicants with respect to the job scale. So, let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Federal Ombudsman Secretariat
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
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