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Latest Draftsman Jobs in Pakistan 2025
Draftsman Jobs in Pakistan 2025 Upcoming Latest Mar
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Agricultural Engineering & Water Management Sindh Jobs 2016 Nov Add
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For all the Sindh domicile holders here a good job offer is there from Agricultural Engineering & Water Management Sindh Jobs 2016 Nov Add. For all those unemployed applicants of Sindh here a wonderful job offer is infront of you today from Directorate of Agricultural Engineering & Water Management Sindh, Hyderabad is seeking and is in probe of well disciplined, energetic, dynamic and suitable Sindh domicile holders are required to fill the following vacancies of scale BPS-14 to BPS-01 which are entitled as Hostel Warden, Data Processing Assistant, Computer Operator, Draftsman, Tractor Driver/Operator, Road Man, Road Mate, Watch & Ward Attendant and Sanitary Worker/Sweeper are the posts which requires to be filled at the due date and time with overall qualification of Graduation, Intermediate, Literate, Relevant Diploma with each field working expertise are required to apply for these jobs. Maximum age limit should be 28 and minimum 18 years should be attained by the applicants. So guys, don't miss this chance as like a golden chance that one can apply and fill these posts as soon as possible to get rid of unemployment. So, now head towards its applying criteria below.
Agricultural Engineering & Water Management
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Graduation, Intermediate, Literate, Relevant Diploma |
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Headquarter Frontier Corps Balochistan Jobs Nov 2016 For Males Latest
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For all those applicants who are having the great interest in FC Jobs so have a look from Headquarter Frontier Corps Balochistan Jobs Nov 2016 For Males Latest. Guys, tap to this job page for having a great career opportunity is recently announced from Headquarters Frontier Corps Balochistan Quetta is looking for the brave, dynamic, energetic and well disciplined males applicants are needed to apply for to fill the following posts which includes Sub Engineer, Draftsman, Electrician, Chowkidar, Coolie and Pump Driver are the complete posts which needs to be filled immediately before the due date. As the vacancy No,1 & 2 appointment will be done on contract basis. As, i have revealed the curtain from the vacancies now its time to discuss about its applying criteria which includes Matric, Middle and Relevant Diploma is required to apply and the applicants should be having the relevant expertise in each field. Applicants will be transferred anytime at any place within Balochistan and basically the districts which are mentioned includes Gwadar, Turbat and Quetta are welcome to apply. Attractive pay package will be given as per scale of the jobs. So, after having such details let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Headquarter Frontier Corps Balochistan Quetta
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Matric,Middle, Relevant Diploma |
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Agriculture Extension Department Sindh Jobs 2016 Apply Online Latest
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Today at this job you will be having the latest job offer from Agriculture Extension Department Sindh Jobs 2016 Apply Online Latest. Applications are being invited from the Agriculture Extension Department Sindh Hyderabad of Agriculture Supply & Prices Department is recently looking to recruit the eligible, caliber, adroit and well disciplined applicants who are having the domicile of Sindh are eligible to apply for the number of the jobs which includes Stenotypist, Computer Operator/Data Processing Assistant, Junior Clerk, Draftsman, Mobile Van Operator, Plumber, Information Van Operator, Driver cum Operator, Fitter, Bidder, Nursery Supervisor, Van Driver, Tractor Driver, Tube Well Operator, Driver, Daftari, Naib Qasid, Chowkidar, Mali, Baildar, Sanitary Worker, Sweeper, Field Watcher, Dairy Attendant and Poultry Attendant are the posts which needs to be filled by he applicants along with relevant qualification Intermediate, Matric, Primary overall along with driving typing, computer skills are required to apply for these jobs. Attractive adn enough salary package will be given to the applicants with pleasant atmosphere to work. Age limit should be 18 to 28 years. So, after discussing these details let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Agriculture Extension Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Intermediate, Matric, Primary |
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Pak PWD Islamabad Jobs 2016 For Accounts Clerk PTS Online Form Download
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Today at this job page i am going to make you view a brilliant job offer from Pak PWD Islamabad Jobs 2016 For Accounts Clerk PTS Online Form Download. Applications are currently announced for to hire the unemployed job seekers from Pakistan Public Works Department Islamabad which is working under the Ministry of Housing & Works is currently seeking to hire the eligible, caliber, capable and diligent applicants are required to apply for the multiple posts which includes Upper Division Clerk, Junior Draftsman, Lower Division Clerk, Accounts Clerk & Receptionist are the posts which needs to be filled by the applicants along with overall qualification of Intermediate, Matric, Relevant Diploma are required to apply with respective expertise as Typing Speed is required for some of the posts whereas the applicants also bears the relevant expertise which matches the post. Age limit should be 18-25 years with 5 years age relaxation in upper age limit plus the age relaxation will be admissible if applying for Civilian Posts. All those applicants who qualify all the eligibility criteria as mentioned above so be the first one to get employed and apply as soon as possible. So, now let's head towards its applying criteria below.
Pakistan Public Works Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Intermediate, Matric, Relevant Diploma |
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NHA Balochistan Jobs 2016 for Personal Assistant PTS Test & Sample Paper
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Today at this job page you will have the recent job offer from NHA Balochistan Jobs 2016 for Personal Assistant PTS Test & Sample Paper. One of the most important and well reputed Govt as well as Federal Government organization which is abbreviated as NHA national highway Authority is seeking for the services of eligible, adroit, caliber and capable applicants are required to fill the posts under the quota of "Aghaz-e-Huqooq-e-Balochistan Package" the following posts are vacant to be filled namely Personal Assistant, Lab Technician, Surveyor, Draftsman and Enumerator are the posts which needs to be filled by the applicants right at the time. So guys, the vacancies are before you to apply now i will tell you about the eligibility criteria of these posts includes B.A along with short hand typing along with 5 years Office work expertise are required to apply, For 2nd post the applicants should be FS.c/ Diploma in Civil with 3 years expertise are required to apply, For 3rd post the applicants bears the 3 years Diploma in Civil Engineering with 4 years expertise, for Draftsman the applicants should be having the Civil/Designing/Drafting Diploma of 3 years with 3 years expertise and for last post FA (Economics) with 3 years expertise are required. Now, let's have a look on its applying method below.
National Highway Authority
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | B.A, FS.c, F.A, Relevant Diploma |
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Agriculture Department Balochistant Jobs 2016 October Advertisement
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Today at this job page you will be having the latest job offers from Agriculture Department Balochistant Jobs 2016 October Advertisement. The Agriculture Department of Balochistan is hiring the well known and caliber applicants are required to appoint in the different districts which includes Quetta, Sibbi, Zhob, Naseerabad, Makran, Kalat, Noshki, Chagi, Qila Saifullah are the divisions in which the number of the vacancies are vacant to apply which includes Stenographer, Assistant Computer Operator, Draftsman, Sub Engineer, Junior Clerk, Lab Technician, Photographer, Electrician, Field Assistant, Store Keeper, Record Keeper, Auctioner, Tractor Driver, Vehicle Driver are required for Balochistan and for Quetta Division Baildar, Chowkidar, Naib Qasid, Mali and for Zhob Division Cleaner, Baildar, Rodman, Chowkidar, Naib Qasid, Levies Constable and number of the other division jobs are there to apply. Quota is reserved for Women 5%, 5% for Minorities and 2% for Disable applicants are reserved to apply for these posts. All the domicile holders of Balochistan are required to apply. The applicants should be having the overall qualification of Graduation, Intermediate, Matric, Relevant Diploma with short hand typing, MS Skills and relevant expertise are required to apply. So, after having such details now let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Agriculture Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Graduation, Intermediate, Matric, Relevant Diploma |
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FPSC Staff Nurse Jobs Advertisement No 10/2016 Apply Online
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A good job opportunity is being offered from FPSC Staff Nurse Jobs Advertisement No 10/2016 Apply Online For all those candidates it’s the fabulous news the job offer is being offered from the Federal Public Service Commission as it invites always the candidates who are dynamic, eligible, diligent and well educated plus experienced are needed to be hired in the different ministries under different jobs which I am going to discuss as the names of the ministries in which vacancies are vacant to apply are named as Finance Division, Federal Govt Educational Institute Directorate (Cantts/Garrisons), Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Communications, Ministry of Hosing & Works, Islamabad Model College for Boys, Federal Directorate of Education, Permanent Law & Prosecution Department, Gilgit Baltistan, Ministry of Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit Baltistan, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources, Federal Public Service Commission, Ministry of Planning Development & Reforms and Federal Govt Polyclinic Administration & Development Division are the ministries and departments, division in which the bundle of vacancies are lying to be filed which I will discuss below and overall eligibility criteria which is required includes Masters, MS.c, M.Phil, Ph.D, Bachelor's, Relevant Diploma from the HEC recognized instate along with relevant expertise are required to apply for these jobs. Attractive remuneration packages will be offered with good atmosphere to work. Now, let’s move on to have its applying criteria and vacant situations details below.
Federal Public Service Commission
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters, MS.c, M.Phil, Ph.D, Bachelor's, Relevant Diploma |
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PCRET Islamabad Jobs 2016 for Senior Technician NTS Online Form
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Today i am going to display a brilliant job offer from PCRET Islamabad Jobs 2016 for Senior Technician NTS Online Form. For those applicants who are looking for the Govt and Federal Govt posts are required to tap to this page right now because the applications are being invited from the Pakistan Council of Renewable Energy Technologies is currently seeking to hire the most diligent, advanced, dynamic and energetic experienced applicants for the bundles of the posts which includes Senior Technician, Junior Accountant, Store Supervisor (Procurement), Stenotypist, Draftsman and Urdu Typist are required to apply for such posts. The educational criteria which is required for these posts includes BS.c, BBA/, DAE (Electrical, Mechanical, Electronics), Intermediate is required along with the respective expertise in the relevant field is required and computer literacy is mandatory to be had by the applicants. The domicile holder of Punjab, KPK, Balochistan and Sindh are welcome to apply. NTS is authorized to conduct the test for these posts. Attractive salary packages will be given along with growth offers being a Govt department. Now, let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Pakistan Council of Renewable Energy Technologies
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | BS.c, BBA/, DAE, Intermediate |
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PWD Department Islamabad Jobs 2016 West Zone PTS Test & Sample Paper
(Job Expired)
Today on 21st of September a well and god job offer is there from PWD Department Islamabad Jobs 2016 West Zone PTS Test & Sample Paper. The applications are being invited from the Pakistan Public Works Department (West Zone) is inviting the applicants for the regular posts for which the services of high profiled, minimum education holder and well disciplined applicants are required to apply for the following posts which includes Upper Division Clerk (UDC), Lower Division Clerk (LDC), Junior Draftsman and Accounts Clerk are required to apply for these post with the eligibility criteria overall which is required for these posts includes Matric and Intermediate with shorthand typing expertise and Diploma in Architecture or Draftsman course of 9 months from any well reputed Polytechnic Institute is required. Age limit should be 18 to 25 years and 5 years age relaxation will be given to the applicants. The domicile holders of Balochistan are eligible to apply. Attractive salary package will be given to the applicants with brilliant atmosphere will be given to the applicants. So, after having these details now let’s move on to have all sort of details of its applying further.
Pakistan Public Works Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Intermediate, Matric |
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Pak Public Works Department PWD Jobs 21 Sep 2016 Ministry of Housing & Works
(Job Expired)
Here at this page you’ll get Pak Public Works Department PWD Jobs 21 Sep 2016 Ministry of Housing & Works. Jobs for Upper Division Clerk, Lower Division Clerks, Accounts Clerk, Junior Draftsman and Receptionist has been announced by Pakistan Public Works Department (PAK-PWD) Islamabad for South Zone for which it invites applications from the Sindh Urban / Sindh Rural domiciled candidates who are well educated, skilled and hardworking against above mentioned regular positions. Candidates willing to apply are suggested to read eligibility criteria first before apply against any vacant position and if we talk generally about required qualification then for Sr. No. 1 Intermediate pass can apply and for all other positions Matric pass candidates can apply and every candidate should computer literate and have relevant experience and age of candidate should be between 18 to 25 years. So, those candidates who fulfill the criteria are suggested to apply as per the following how to apply procedure by PTS because PWD has authorized this testing organization to conduct recruitment against above mentioned positions.
Pak Public Works Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Intermediate, Matric |
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Pakistan Public Works Department Jobs 2016 Pak PWD Form
(Job Expired)
Tap this page and on September 21, 2016 we provide you Pakistan Public Works Department Jobs 2016 Pak PWD Form. Government of Pakistan Ministry of Housing and Works is a reputed Ministry of Pakistan and department working under it named at Pakistan Public Works Department Islamabad has announced regular basis positions for Central Cadre for its offices all over Pakistan for which it invites applications from well educated, skilled and hardworking applicants for the following numerous positions such as (Assistant, Stenotypist, Sub Engineer (Civil), Sub Engineer (E/m), Estimator (Civil), Estimator (E/M), Horticulture Supervisor, Senior Draftsman, UDC, Junior Draftsman, Model Maker and LDC). Department has done allocation of provincial / regional quota in such way that in above positions some positions are on Open Merit basis, Punjab, KPK, Sindh, Balochistan, Northern Area / FATA, AJK, Woman and Minorities quota is also available. Candidates willing to apply should read the eligibility criteria first before apply against any vacant position such as in required qualifications Graduation / Intermediate / Matric and relevant diploma is required and age of candidate should be 18 to 25 years. So, viewers take advantage from this opportunity and apply as soon as possible and get chance to have handsome salary package starting from Rs. 20000 to 40000 PKR or above. So, now in the following we’ll talk about how to apply procedure for the vacant positions as per the rule of PTS.
Pakistan Public Works Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Graduation, Intermediate, Matric |
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National Institute of Oceanography Karachi Jobs 2016 Ministry of Science and Technology Latest
(Job Expired)
Here i am going to discuss about the recent job offer from National Institute of Oceanography Karachi Jobs 2016 Ministry of Science and Technology Latest. The job are being offered via National University of Science and Technology in the National Institute of Oceanography which is preceded by the Ministry of Science and Technology is currently in search of well qualified, eligible, adroit and educated applicants are required to apply for the following posts which includes Senior Research Officer, Research Officer, Coastal Engineer, Electronic Engineer, Computer Programmer, Draftsman and Assistant Private Secretary are required to apply for the following posts. The eligibility criteria which is needed overall for these vacancies includes MS/MS.c, B.E, B.Tech in the field of Computer Sciences, Electronics and DAE is required with the Research Publications for the several posts and with relevant expertise in each filed is needed to apply. All the degrees of the applicants should be recognized by the HEC is mandatory and all the posts are on merit basis and later on the regional quota will be observed as per Govt rules. Age limits are different for each job and and are similar also at the same time. So, have a look and hit the button to apply if you meet the said criteria. Let's jump towards its applying criteria below.
National Institute of Oceanography
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MS/MS.c, B.E, B.Tech |
New vacancies for Draftsman jobs 2025 and Draftsman openings jobs in 2026 are listed online with new Draftsman jobs posted daily. Previous Draftsman jobs 2024 can also be applied for online. Make money from home or the office by choosing the right Draftsman job for your qualification and experience. By applying to today's jobs at Draftsman Punjab, Sindh, KPK, Balochistan, Gilgit Baltistan, AJK, you join a growing team.