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Latest Consultant Jobs in Pakistan 2025
Consultant Jobs in Pakistan 2025 Upcoming Latest Mar
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Ministry of Communications Enemy Property Cell Jobs 2016 Career Offers
(Job Expired)
Here at this page a brilliant career opportunity is being offered from the Ministry of Communications Enemy Property Cell Jobs 2016 Career Offers. The Ministry of Communication is inviting and is in search of well disciplined, adroit, caliber and capable applicants are needed for the Office of the Custodian Enemy Property of Pakistan for the short term posts which includes Consultant/ Land Revenue Expert and Junior Land Expert are the two vacant situations which needs to be filled by the applicants. As, I have displayed the vacancies now the eligibility criteria for the Sr No.1 includes BA/BSC with 10 years experience as District Collector/Sub Divisional Collector who is capable of deal with the land records and property matters whereas for the 2nd post the applicants who are Matric pass in 2nd Division with 15 years experience as Patwari/ Gardawar/Tehsildar is needed. Age limit should be 65 years. These posts are on short term and the appointment will be done for three months only. The incumbent of these posts will be done in the selective district of Sind as Tharparkar, Sukkur, Sanghar and Jacobabad. Attractive salary package will be given with pleasant atmosphere to work. So, let’s head towards its applying criteria below.
Ministry of Communications
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | BA/BCS, Matric |
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Youth for Peace Initiative Project Punjab Jobs Sep 2016 Apply Online Last Date
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Today at this page you will get the latest job offer from Youth for Peace Initiative Project Punjab Jobs Sep 2016 Apply Online Last Date. The applications are invited from the hard working, talented, caliber and well disciplined applicants are invited from the Youth for Peace Initiative Project which is having the Gender Equality and diversity is seeking for the services of such diligent applicants to apply and fill the following posts which includes Senior Project Manager, Senior Monitoring & Reporting Officer, University Coordinator, Communication Officer, Admin & HR Officer and Accounts Officer are required to apply and fill these wonderful posts. The positions are listed and vacant in the South Punjab to apply. For all of these posts the applicants should be having the Masters and Bachelors degree with 5 to 8 years expertise are required to apply for these wonderful jobs. The applicants must be having the Higher Education Sector related program will be given the preference. On the other hand the applicants should be Consultancy Assignment are also offered in the two programs which includes Consultant for Development/ Review of Training Manual with 7 years of training manual along with experience of peace building, social harmony and tolerance is needed whereas for the next assignment the trainer have to train the youth in the above programs with 5 years expertise are required in the relevant field. The first assignment is overall for the Pakistan and second one is lying in South Punjab. Now, let's have look on its applying criteria below.
Youth for Peace Initiative Program
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Master's, Bachelor's |
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Aziz Bhatti Shaheed Teaching Hospital Gujrat Jobs 2016 Walk In Interview Schedule
(Job Expired)
Here on 2nd of September 2016 the job is being offered from Aziz Bhatti Shaheed Teaching Hospital Gujrat Jobs 2016 Walk In Interview Schedule. The Specialized Healthcare and Medical Education Department of Govt of Punjab's affiliated hospital named "Aziz Bhatti Shaheed Teaching Hospital Gujrat Burn Unit in search of hiring the well disciplined, caliber, adroit and diligent applicants are required to fill the wonderful medical posts vacancies which includes Consultant Reconstructive and Plastic Surgeon, Consultant Anaesthetist, Medical Officer, Women Medical Officer and Charge/Staff Nurses are required to fill these wonderful and exciting career opportunities. Appointment against the following posts will be done on adhoc basis. As, i have given you the list of the vacancies now the eligibility criteria which is required against these posts includes overall MBBS, FCPS, MS, BS.c, D.A, MCPS in the relevant special fields from the recognized institute along with them the applicants must be having the similar experience of the relevant field also. All the degrees of the applicants must be registered by the PMDC will be given preference. Age limits are different for all the posts. So guys, avail this wonderful opportunity before the time lost. Now, let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Aziz Bhatti Shaheed Teaching Hospital Gujrat
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBBS, FCPS, MS, BS.c, D.A, MCPS |
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Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar LRH Jobs 2016 Apply Online Last Date
(Job Expired)
Here in the following i am going to discuss about the job offer from Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar LRH Jobs 2016 Apply Online Last Date. The well known and one of the most reputed hospital in Peshawar which is renowned one in whole of the KPK is currently looking for the dynamic, energetic, caliber and adroit applicants are required to apply for the several vacancies which includes Consultant/Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor are required to apply and these posts are vacant in the department and discipline of Neurology to be filled at the proper time. So, as i have discussed the vacancies now its the turn to have a look on the eligibility criteria which includes FCPS/MRCP along with the American Board Certification and equivalent which should be recognized by the PMDC are included in the list of its requirements. but along with education the applicants must be well and good in the expertise of the following posts as per PMDC rules will be given preference. The applicants will be given excellent remuneration package and fringe benefits with collaborative atmosphere and certain growth opportunities are liable to be given to the deserving candidates. So guys, don't get late and jump to apply for these wonderful posts which are waiting for you to come and employed here. After discussing these details let's had a look on its applying criteria below.
Lady Reading Hospital & Medical Teaching Institution Peshawar
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | FCPS,MRCP |
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NTU National Textile University Faisalabad Jobs 2016 For Non-Faculty Staff Online Form
(Job Expired)
Here in the following you will have the fresh job offer of today from NTU National Textile University Faisalabad Jobs 2016 For Non-Faculty Staff Online Form. The applications are invited from the well reputed and well disciplined Textile University named" National Textile University Faisalabad" is currently seeking and is looking to appoint the well educated, experience, well disciplined applicants are required to apply for the following posts which includes Deputy Director (ORIC), Deputy Director Industrial Liaision, Deputy Director (P& D) Contract Basis, Deputy Registrar, Internal Auditor, Personal Secretary to Rector, Legal Advisor/Consultant, Medical Officer (Male), Medical Officer (Female), Lab Engineer, Manager MIS, System & Security Administrator, Senior System Analyst/DBA, Senior Software Engineer, Network Administrator, Deputy Warden Hostel (Female), Supervisor (Security), Junior Clerk, Naib Qasid and Driver are the vacancies which needs to be filled at this moment before last date with relevant and overall qualification of Ph.D, M.Phil/MS, MBBS,Master's, Bachelor's, Matric, Middle with relevant subjects and relevant each designation experience is needed to be employed here for to perform all the duties in an impeccable manner. The Provincial and Federal quota will be observed as per Govt rules. Now, lets have a look on its applying criteria below.
National Textile University
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Ph.D, M.Phil/MS,MBBS, Master's, Bachelor's, Matric, Middle |
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SZABMU PIMS Islamabad Jobs 2016 Online Form Download
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Here at this renowned job page you will revel the career opportunity from SZABMU PIMS Islamabad Jobs 2016 Online Form Download The applications are invited from Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences in Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Medical University is looking to appoint the eligible, educated, energetic, experience and professional applicants are required to apply for the following posts which includes Professor (Gastroenterology, General Surgery, Cardiology, Neuro Surgery, Anaesthesia and Cardiac Surgery), Consultant Anaesthetist Liver Transplant Surgery, Consultant Radiologist (International), Associate Professor (Psychiatry, Dental Surgery, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, ENT, Dental Surgery (Paeds), Neonatology), Associate Professor (Cardiology, Cardiac Surgery, Anaesthesia), Assistant Professor (IH) (Psychiatry, Rheumatology, Transplant Surgery, Liver Transplant etc), Senior Registrar (IH), Senior Lecturer (CN), Assistant Professor (Cardiology, Cardiac Surgery, Anaesthesia), Senior Registrar (Cardiology, Cardiac Surgery), Nuclear Physician, Assistant Professor (Bone Marrow Transplant), Assistant Professor (Hematology) and Research Officer are required to apply against these posts with overall qualification of MBBS, FCPS, M.S, M.D is required for all of these posts in the relevant subjects and special field which should be recognized by PMDC and the applicants should be having the practical as well as teaching expertise are needed to apply. Appointment will be done on contract basis for the duration of two years which can be regularized on regular incumbents. So, now after having these details its turn to know further about its applying criteria below.
Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, SZABMU
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBBS, FCPS, M.S, M.D |
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Ministry of Finance Jobs August 2016 Govt of Pakistan Latest Career Opportunities
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Here i am going to enlist the latest job offer from Ministry of Finance Jobs August 2016 Govt of Pakistan Latest Career Opportunities. The jobs opportunities are being offered from the Ministry of Finance HRM Wing is looking and seeking to hire the eligible, well disciplined, hard working and adroit applicants are needed to fill the vacant situation of Junior Consultant is the vacancy which needs to be filled at the moment before the due date. This vacancy is actually vacant and the prime objective of this vacancy includes the examination of magazines and books is required. Appointment will be done for the period of 6 months and can be extended further for the nest 6 months also. So, as the vacancy is before you so after having these details now lets have a look and what are its educational and expertise needs as this post needs the graduation degree from the HEC recognized university along with that the applicants should be Masters degree holder in Public Administration/ Financial Management and Law will be preferred the most. The experience of overall 25 years is required out of which 10 years should be as as Officer in Federal Division or Ministry is required and the preference will be given to those who possess the wing regulations expertise. Attractive remuneration package will be admissible to the applicants. The applicants must be moral and honest to its staff and duty and perform their respective responsibilities at the time. So, after having these all details let's move towards its applying criteria below.
Ministry of Finance
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters, Graduation |
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Punjab Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department Lahore Jobs 2016 Current Vacancies
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Here at this job page you will have the recent job opportunity from Punjab Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department Lahore Jobs 2016 Current Vacancies. As, well are familiar that the Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department Punjab, Lahore is the wonderful department which is paying its service to serve this department and make and innovate new changes and implementing to make the departments name in the list of toppers is currently looking and seeking for the services of eligible, adroit, caliber and well educated applicants are required to apply for these posts for a specific unit as Capacity Strengthening Unit of Planning following vacancies are required to be filled as Project Development Specialist, IT Expert, Financial Expert, Procurement Specialist, Bio Medical Engineer, Communication Specialist, Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, Planning (Consultant/Specialist) and Research Associates are required in this department to apply against each of this post. The eligibility criteria overall against these posts includes Masters, CA/ACCA/ACMA, M.A/MS.c in Business Administration, Finance, Economics, Program Monitoring, Computer Science, Software technology and in many more disciplines from the HEC recognized university with several years expertise and skills are required and such applicants will be liable to be kept under employment. Attractive salary package will be given to the applicants with pleasant working atmosphere. So, now let's throw light on its applying criteria below.
Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters, CA/ACCA/ACMA, M.A/MS.c |
Jobs in Pakistan FULL TIME
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Ministry of Law and Justice Jobs 2016 Govt of Pakistan Advertisement Latest
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Today at this well known page a well and god Govt job is on the way for you from Ministry of Law and Justice Jobs 2016 Govt of Pakistan Advertisement Latest. The Ministry of Law and Justice, Govt of Pakistan is the Govt and Federal Govt department which is responsible for imposing the laws in the country and looks after all the matters and affairs regarding the law and justice has announced to hire the dynamic, suitable, energetic and sharp minded individuals for the various posts which includes Consultants (Contract), Assistant Consultant (Contract) and Deputy Legislative Advisor are the posts which needs the service of such applicants to come and apply against these posts. All of these posts are on MP Scale and appointment against these management posts will be done on contract basis for the period of two years which is unknown that it can leads to further extension or not. The pay package and the rest of the allowances will be given and admissible as per Govt rules. Candidates from all over Pakistan can apply for these positions. The applicants should be Law Graduate from a recognized university and Masters degree is required. Age limits for Sr No,1 should be 36-40 years and for rest of the two posts the applicants the age limit should be 35 to 60 years. So, its the best opportunity to be availed and one should have a look to all details and than tap to apply. Now, let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Ministry of Law and Justice
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
Jobs in Pakistan FULL TIME
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Central Power Purchasing Agency Pakistan Jobs 2016 Current Career Openings
Today for the job seeking and unemployed applicants a good job offer is there from Central Power Purchasing Agency Pakistan Jobs 2016 Current Career Openings. The Govt of Pakistan's well know non-profit and independent body which is engaged in power development and procurement and its distribution to the DISCO'S is freshly given the advertisement of a job offer for the posts of short term Consultants are required in the company and both the posts of Consultants belongs to different categories as Individual Consultants for Developing Module for Financial Forecast and Determining the Power Purchase Basket Price and Individual Consultant for Energy & Demand are required to apply for these posts. The eligibility criteria for the Sr No, 1 includes ACA/ACMA with 5 years post qualification expertise are required and along with that the applicants should be well versed in electricity utility industry, financial management with 3 years expertise and strong communication and interpersonal skills with MS Office experience is required to hold the first number post whereas for the second post the Bachelor's degree holders in Electrical Engineering with 10 years of power sector experience and 5 years expertise in energy demanding is required to apply. Appointment will be made for six month period which can be extended for the 1 year on the well and good performance and need of the work basis. The candidates will be provided market based attractive salary package with challenging and best working environment will be admissible also. So, have a look and go and hit the button to apply. now, let's tap towards its applying criteria below.
Central Power Purchasing Agency (Guarantee) Limited
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
Jobs in Pakistan FULL TIME
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Transport & Mass Transit Department Government of Sindh Jobs 2016 Latest
Here at this page you’ll have Transport & Mass Transit Department Government of Sindh Jobs 2016 Latest. Jobs in Transport and Mass Transit Department Sindh Karachi are available and it is seeking for high profiled candidates who have ability to lead the department and for this purpose it invites applications from the well educated candidates for the following positions such as (Chief Consultant (Transport & Mass Transit), Consultant (Planning / Coordination), Consultant (Procurement / Legal) and Office Assistant / PA). The vacant position is on contract basis and duration of contract is extendable on satisfactory performance. Candidates wanted to apply should have relevant qualification and experience as per the eligibility criteria mentioned in the following image such as they should have any of the following degrees such as Masters / LLM / LLB / Bachelors with maximum experience in relevant field in government, autonomous / semi-autonomous body or reputable sector organization and age of candidate should be 65 years for Sr. No. 1 and 2, 50 years for Sr. No. 3 and 35 years for Sr. No. 4. So, only eligible candidates should apply as per the following how to apply procedure given below.
Transport & Mass Transit Department Sindh
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
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Shaukat Khanum Hospital Lahore Jobs 2016 Online Form
(Job Expired)
Here in the following you will enjoy the recent job offer from Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital Lahore Jobs 2016 Online Form The job and applications are invited form the well reputed Cancer Hospital of Lahore named "Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre is looking to hire the applicants for the bundles of the medical posts for which the expertise of caliber and capable applicants are required to fill the positions of Consultants, Medical , para Medical, technical and Management Posts and Volunteer services are the faculties in which the vacancies are there in bundles which i will discuss later in the below paragraph. The eligibility criteria for these posts will available on the official site but as for as may idea is concerned these jobs overall requires the qualification of MCPS, FCPS, FRCP, MBBS, Master;s, M.Phil/MS, Graduation and relevant expertise are required to apply against these posts. So, all those applicants who wishes to apply against such posts must go through this page to have awesome job offers. The applicants will be benefited with the competitive salary, professional growth, and medical coverage and spouse for their children under 18 years. and ISO Certified environment will be given to the candidates. So, let's have a look on its applying criteria and names of posts.
Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital & Research Centre
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MCPS, FCPS, FRCP, MBBS, Master;s, M.Phil/MS, Graduation |
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