Jobs in Pakistan FULL TIME
Here in the following i am going to enlist the latest job offer from FPSC Lecturer Jobs Advertisement No 01/2017 Latest Add For the seekers of FPSC job so here Federal Public Service Commission is inviting the willing, caliber and well disciplined and adroit applicants are required to apply for the various posts which needs to be filled by the applicants for the bundles of the Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff posts which belongs to different ministries and institutes are named as (Federal General Hospitals, Chak Shahzad, Islamabad, Cabinet Division, Federal Govt Colleges for Women, Federal Directorate of Education, Islamabad Capital Administration & Development Division, Board of Investment, Prime Ministers Office, Law & Justice Division, Geological Survey of Pakistan, Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Resources, F.G Colleges for Men, Federal Directorate of Education and much more in which such vacancies are vacant to apply which includes (Associate Anaesthetist, Lecturers, Public Relation Officers, Deputy Assistant Director, Assistant Director, Assistant Draftsman, Legislative Translation Officer, Senior Mining Geologist, 13 Lecturers, Deputy Engineer Adviser (Power), Test Development Specialists, Deputy Director, Psychometrician, Test Administrator and Fishries Development Commissioner) are the current vacancies for which male and female are eligible to apply and those of regional quota is also there for Sindh, KPK, Punjab, Balochistan, FATA and Gilgit Baltistan. Now, i will throw light on its further details so have a view below.
Federal Public Service Commission
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | Graduation |
A good job opportunity is being offered from FPSC Staff Nurse Jobs Advertisement No 10/2016 Apply Online For all those candidates it’s the fabulous news the job offer is being offered from the Federal Public Service Commission as it invites always the candidates who are dynamic, eligible, diligent and well educated plus experienced are needed to be hired in the different ministries under different jobs which I am going to discuss as the names of the ministries in which vacancies are vacant to apply are named as Finance Division, Federal Govt Educational Institute Directorate (Cantts/Garrisons), Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Communications, Ministry of Hosing & Works, Islamabad Model College for Boys, Federal Directorate of Education, Permanent Law & Prosecution Department, Gilgit Baltistan, Ministry of Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit Baltistan, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources, Federal Public Service Commission, Ministry of Planning Development & Reforms and Federal Govt Polyclinic Administration & Development Division are the ministries and departments, division in which the bundle of vacancies are lying to be filed which I will discuss below and overall eligibility criteria which is required includes Masters, MS.c, M.Phil, Ph.D, Bachelor's, Relevant Diploma from the HEC recognized instate along with relevant expertise are required to apply for these jobs. Attractive remuneration packages will be offered with good atmosphere to work. Now, let’s move on to have its applying criteria and vacant situations details below.
Federal Public Service Commission
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters, MS.c, M.Phil, Ph.D, Bachelor's, Relevant Diploma |
Here at this popular jobs page the job offer is before you from Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Resources Jobs 2016 Govt of Pakistan Latest Add. The well known Govt department Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Resources which deals in matters of Petrol, its export and import and is currently looking to recruit the high profiled, caliber, eligible and well disciplines applicants are needed to fill the vacant situation of Legal Advisor who should be able to look after and manage the court cases, arbitration cases and contract cases in an impeccable manner are required to apply for this wonderful posts if they are keen interested in such field. Appointment will be done for 2 years contract basis which can leads to further extension on the mutual consent of the Ministry further. The eligibility criteria for this post includes Bachelors degree in Law as LL.B from any well recognized university of Pakistan or from any abroad university along with practice and possess the sound knowledge of Petroleum and Natural Resources rules and respective similar works will be given preference with the multiple skills which includes best verbal and written skills, communication skills, should be well versed in net research and able to analyze and work independently will be hired for this job. The applicants possess the minimum experience of 7 years and 5 years as practice being an Advocate of High Court is needed. Age should not be above than 35 years. Attractive and handsome lump sump salary package will be given to the applicants. So, these all are the details about the post now let's tap towards its applying criteria below.
Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Resources
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | LL.B |
Here on 21st August, 2016 you’ll have Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources Jobs 2016 MTS Form Download Jobs in Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources (Policy Wing) are available and it is has authorized MTS Merit Testing Service to collect applications and conduct written / screening test for the recruitment. The MTS invites applications from the suitable candidates for the following positions such as (Stenotypist, Assistant, Accounts Assistant, Draftsman, Lower Division Clerk, Naib Qasid, Farrash and Chowkidar). Above mentioned positions are on contract basis which can be extendable on satisfactory performance of individual. Department has set separate quota for Punjab, Sindh Urban, Merit Basis, Gilbit Baltistan / FATA, KPK and Punjab Women, so eligible candidates under above mentioned quotas can apply for the vacant positions. Candidates need to read the eligibility criteria first and then they should apply for the vacant positions and according to the criteria in required qualification Graduation, Intermediate, Matric and Primary with relevant diplomas is required and those candidates who fulfill these requirements need to apply as per the following how to apply procedure given below.
Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Graduation, B.Com, Intermediate, Matric, Primary, Relevant Diploma |
Jobs in Pakistan FULL TIME
For all those candidates who are looking for the Federal Govt jobs so here a job is there from FPSC Jobs August Advertisement No 08 / 2016 Apply Online Sample Paper. The Federal Public Service Commission like every has announced the bundles of vacant situations which are lying and related to the number of the different department has announced the vacancies which are looking for the services of highly eligible, adroit and caliber candidates to come and apply against such posts which includes as Assistant Chief (Ministry of Planning, Development & Reforms), Deputy Chief Cost Accounts Officer, Cost Accountant Officer (Finance Division), Eight Principals (Female) (F.G English Medium School, Directorate of Federal Govt Educational Institutes), Assistant Chief Administrative Officer, Cameraman, (Ministry of Defence), Assistant Private Secretaries, Assistant Director (Geology), Senior Drilling Engineer, (Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Resources), Ten Doctors National Highway and Motors Police (Ministry of Communication), Junior Librarian (Department of Librarians, Capital Administration and Development Division), Senior Official Reporter (National Assembly Secretariat), Director, Zoological Survey of Pakistan, Climate Change Division and Deputy Director (FPSC) are required to continue on the posts and apply on the permanent basis. The overall qualification which includes Bachelor's, CA/ACMA, Master's, M.ed, B.ed, Intermediate is required. The domicile holders of KPK, Sindh, Punjab, GB/FATA , Balochistan are required to apply. Both male and females are liable to apply. So after, having these all details now let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Federal Public Service Commission
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
Today at this job page a wonderful job opportunity is being offered from FPSC Teaching Jobs 2016 Apply Online Latest Add The Federal Public Service Commission is recently advertised the add in which its is seeking for the service of eligible, adroit, caliber and brilliant sharp minded applicants are required to fill the bundles of Teaching as well as Nursing positions which are from different department and are under different ministries which includes FG Colleges Islamabad, Federal Directorate of Education, Capital Administration and Development Division, Ministry of Federal Education & Professional Training, Ministry of Textile Industry, Federal Govt Polyclinic Capital Administration and Development Division, Islamabad Model Colleges, Ministry of Railways, Ministry of Defence, Management Services Wing, Establishment Division, Cabinet Division, Ministry of Law ,Justice & Human Rights, Ministry of National Food Security & Research, Ministry of Ports and Shipping, Finance Division, Ministry of States Frontier Region, Ministry of Overseas Pakistani & Human Resource Development, Ministry of Water and Power, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources are the ministries which are hiring the individuals for multiple posts. The quota is available for all provinces in some of the posts as mentioned infront of each post details and the both male and female are eligible to apply for these posts. Age limits are different from one another and the age relaxation will be admissible to the applicants of 5 years. So, read all the instructions carefully and than tap to apply. Now, let's move towards its further details below.
Federal Public Service Commission
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
Jobs in Pakistan FULL TIME
Here at this page you’ll Saindak Metals Limited Jobs 2016 OTS Application Form Download Online. Jobs in Saindak Metals Limited are available as it is working under Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources and it invites applications from suitable candidates who are highly educated, very experienced, hardworking and well disciplined candidates for the following positions such as (Audit Officer, Geologist, Instructors, Stranographer, Admn Assistant and Accounts Assistant). The competent authority reserves the right to cancel / postpone recruitment process at any stage. The appointment will be made on open merit basis however candidates having Balochistan domicile will be preferred most. Appointment of the above mentioned positions will be held on purely contract basis and duration of contract is extendable subject to satisfactory performance. Candidates willing to apply should possess relevant qualification and experience as per the criteria mentioned in the following image such as for Sr. No. 1 and 2 Masters degree is required and for all other positions Bachelors degree is required with relevant diploma and experience. So, viewers if you wanted to earn good salary package then it is the best place for you to apply and every candidate have to apply as per the following how to apply procedure given below.
Saindak Metals Limited
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
Jobs in Pakistan FULL TIME
Here on 02nd May, 2016 we’ll discuss about FPSC Jobs May 2016 Advertisement Apply Online Challan Form & Test Schedule. FPSC Advertisement No. 5/2016 has been announced by the Federal Public Service Commission on and here on we’ll discuss about all vacant positions which are available in different government departments working under Federal Government such as (FG Colleges Islamabad, Federal Directorate of Education, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Ports and Shipping, Ministry of Planning, Development and Reform, Capital Administration & Development Division, Ministry of Defence, Cabinet Division, Ministry of Law, Justice and Human Rights, Ministry of Railways and etc). Candidates from all over Pakistan can apply for these positions which are on Contract / Regular basis but every candidate should be high profiled because all these positions are for highly educated candidates and if you wanted to examine the list of vacant positions then you can check it from the following image given below. Now we’ll generally talk about the required qualification so if candidates having any of these qualifications such as (PhD / Masters / MBBS / BDS / Bachelors) then they are eligible to apply. So, now we’ll discuss about the vacant positions in the very next heading and after positions you’ll have complete how to apply procedure which is according to the rules FPSC.
Federal Public Service Commission
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
Here on 01st April, 2016 we’ll discuss about FPSC Latest Jobs April 2016 Apply Online Challan Form Download Free. FPSC Advertisement No. 4/2016 has been announced by the Federal Public Service Commission on and you can check it now from too because we are the first providing you FPSC Jobs for the month of April here at our site. Jobs in FPSC are available and this time it is looking to recruit following positions in different Federal Government Department such as Ministry of Ports and Shipping, Ministry of Planning, Development and Reform, Capital Administration & Development Division, Ministry of Defence, Establishment Division, Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resources, Pakistan Mint and Federal Government Educational Institutions (Cantts/ Garrisons). Candidates from all over Pakistan can apply for these positions which are on Contract / Regular basis but every candidate should be high profiled because all these positions are for highly educated candidates and if you wanted to examine the list of vacant positions then you can check it from the following image given below. Now we’ll generally talk about the required qualification so if candidates having any of these qualifications such as (PhD, MPhil, Masters, MBBS, Bachelors) then they are eligible to apply. So, now we’ll discuss about the vacant positions in the very next heading.
Federal Public Service Commission
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
Here is good news for the Pakistani Nationals especially for Sindh Domiciled that Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Resources Assistant Jobs 2015 Application Form are available. Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources is looking to hire following staff for its policy wing and due to this it invites applications from the candidates having local and Sindh domicile against the following positions such as (Assistant, Naib Qasid and Frash). Appointment of above mentioned positions will be on temporary basis but it is extendable on satisfactory performance. Candidates willing to apply should possess qualification Graduation for Sr. No. 1 and Primary for the Sr. No. 2 & 3 and every candidate should have age limit between 18 to 25 years. Only those candidates meeting above criteria should apply as per the how to apply instructions given below.
Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Resources
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Graduation, Primary |
Jobs in Pakistan FULL TIME
Here is good news for the Pakistani Nationals that FPSC FBR Jobs July 2015 for Appraising / Valuation Officer Apply Online are available. FPSC is an organization established by the Government of Pakistan with the purpose to make recruitment in all Government Departments which are working under Government of Pakistan and it announces jobs once in every month and currently 05th July, 2015 advertisement it announces wonderful job opportunities such as (227 posts of Appraising / Valuation Officers for Federal Board of Revenue), (Senior Mining Geologist for Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources), (Two Assistant Private Secretaries for (Military Finance Wing), (09 Drilling Engineers for Ministry of Petroleum) and (11 Junior Civilian Security Officers for Ministry of Defence). Candidates from all over Pakistan having valid Domicile and relevant qualification and experience against the vacant positions are welcome to apply for the vacant positions.
Federal Public Service Commission
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
Here at this page we provide you FPSC Jobs 2015 June in Federal Board of Revenue Apply Online. Jobs in Federal Public Service Commission are available. FPSC is an organization working for the recruitment of civilians in different departments operating under Federal Government and due to this it is seeking for highly educated, very experienced, hardworking and well disciplined candidates for the following positions such as (Assistant Mechanical Engineer for Ministry of Railways), (Assistant Professor Statistics for Ministry of Defence), (Two Hundred Inspectors Customs / Intelligence Officer and One Hundred and Eighty Preventive Officers for Federal Board of Revenue) and etc. applicants from all over Pakistan are suggested to read eligibility criteria carefully before apply for any vacant position and only eligible candidates should apply for the vacant position otherwise their application will be terminate from selection procedure.
Federal Public Service Commission
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |