Get the latest career opportunity from Irrigation Department Punjab Jobs 2017 For SPRU Unit Eligibility Criteria. Applications are being offered from Irrigation Department, Govt of Punjab is seeking to hire the well disciplined, well educated and adroit applicants are required for Strategic Planning Reform Unit the following vacancies need to be filled such as (Director Water Resources Planning & Management, Director Policy Planning & Project Development, Deputy Director Climate Change, Deputy Director Monitoring & Evaluation, Deputy Director Legal Affairs and Deputy Director Water Informatics, Deputy Director Engineering/Infrastructure Development & Deputy Director Financial & Economics Planning) are the given vacancies which needs to be filled with overall qualification of MS.c and BS.c in relevant disciplines with relevant expertise are needed to apply for such posts. The above posts are on a contract basis and will remain continue till July 2019. Punjab domicile applicants are welcome to apply. Attractive salary package will be paid to the applicants. Now, let's throw light on its further details below.
Irrigation Department
Gender: | Male |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters, Graduation |
Get the recent recruitment offer from SPSC Advertisement No 02 / 2017 Jobs Apply Online Form & Test Syllabus Pattern. Applications are being offered from Sindh Public Service Commission is seeking to appoint the applicants for to conduct Combined Competitive Examination For Engineering Cadre (C-C-E-2017) which is in search of skillful, caliber and eligible applicants are required to apply for the Engineering Posts which belong to different department such as (Works & Services Department), Public Health Engineering and Rural Development Department and Irrigation Department and the posts which needs to be filled by the applicants and are named as Assistant Engineer (Civil) (Works & Services Department), Assistant Engineer (Civil) Public Health Engineering and Rural Development Department, Assistant Executive Engineer (Civil) Irrigation Department) are the posts which need to be filled by the applicants with B.E qualification with 2nd Division from HEC recognized university and should be having the Registration from Pakistan Engineering Council. A quota is reserved for Disable applicants, Female, and Minorities. Age limit should not be more than 21 year's and should not be less than 30 year's and no age relaxation will be given to the applicants. Now, I will let you know about its further details below.
Sindh Public Service Commission
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | B.E |
Latest career offers are there from Sindh Irrigation & Drainage Authority Jobs 2017 Employment Offers. Applications are being offered from Sindh Irrigation & Drainage Authority is seeking to appoint the applicants for Project named "Water Sector Improvement Project" with additional financing of World Bank. Following vacancies needs to be filled such as (General Manager (Finance), Admin & Customer Relations, Assistant Manager (Finance & Accounts), Assistant Manager (Social Mobilizations), Assistant Manager (Communications/Training's), Assistant Manager (IT), Assistant Manager (Assessment & Recovery Officer) are the posts which needs to be filled with overall qualification of CA, ACMA, MBA,, Masters from well recognized university and relevant expertise are required to hold these posts hastily. Appointment will be made on contract basis for the Office of Directors, AWB's located at Ghotki, Mirpurkhas and Badin for the period of one year which will be extended further on satisfactory performance. Applicants should be computer literate and English Communications Skills and MS Office. Domicile holders of Sindh are eligible to apply. Now, I will let you know about it's further details below.
Sindh Irrigation & Drainage Authority
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | CA, ACMA, MBA,, Masters |
Here on 17th April 2017, we provide you PPSC Assistant Engineer Jobs 2017 in Irrigation Department Apply Online. Jobs in PPSC Punjab Public Service Commission are available and today we’ll discuss about its Advertisement No. 22/2017 in which you’ll have latest job opportunities announced in government departments of Punjab named as Irrigation Department Punjab and Agriculture Department for which it invites applications from the well educated, hardworking and well-disciplined candidates possessing any of the following qualification such as Masters in Statistics, Mathematics or Economics from a recognized university is required for Economic Statistical Investigator and BSc Engineering or BE Civil is required for the posts of Assistant Executive Engineer/Sub Division Officer/Assistant Design Engineer/Assistant Director Flood Monitoring/Assistant Director. Test for the vacant positions will be conducted by PPSC and test will be of MCQs type test of 100 marks of 90 minutes duration and it is compulsory for every candidate to pass the test with a good percentage for to qualify for Interview. So, viewers if you possess above-mentioned qualifications then you are welcome to apply as per the following how to apply procedure.
Punjab Public Service Commission
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters, Bachelors, Relevant Engineering Diploma |
Jobs in Pakistan FULL TIME
Here in the following i am going to enlist the current job openings from KPPSC Jobs 2017 For Veterinary Officers (Health) Apply Online Applications are invited form the suitable, caliber, eligible, candidates to serve here in KPK Public Service Commission intends to hire the applicants in different departments as Agriculture, Livestock & Cooperative Department, Communication & Works Department, Elementary and Secondary Education Department, Environment, Forest & Wildlife Department, Home & TA's Department, Industries & Commerce Department, Irrigation Department, Law, Parliamentary Affair & Human Rights Department, Mines and Minerals Department, Police Department and Public Health Engineering Department is hiring the applicants for number of the posts which includes (Veterinary Officer (Health) (Quota for Women, Disable & Minorities, Junior Scale Stenographer, Planning Officer, Deputy Forest Ranger, Stenotypist, Research Officer, Community Development Officer, Computer Operator, Range Officer Wildlife, Junior Analyst etc) and much more posts are vacant which needs to be filled by the applicants as soon as possible. Both male and female are eligible to apply. Now, i will tell you something about the further details below.
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Public Service Commission
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
Here on 16th of November 2016 a recent job opportunity is being offered from Irrigation Department Sindh Jobs Nov 2016 Apply Online Last Date. Applications are being invited from the Irrigation Department of Sindh for a foreign Funded Project the services of professional, dynamic, caliber, capable and well disciplined applicants are required to apply for the ample of the posts which includes Financial Consultant, Procurement & Contract Consultant, Environmental Consultant, Social Safeguard Consultant, Environment Officer, Social Safeguard Officer, Accountant, Photocopier and Driver are the posts which needs to be filled by the applicants right before the due date with overall qualification of ACCA, Masters, Bachelor's, Intermediate, Matric from the well reputed and recognized institutes and the applicants should possess the relevant expertise for each posts is required to apply for these posts. All of these posts carry attractive salary package with awesome environment is required to apply for these jobs. Maximum age limit should be 45, 40 and 35 years. All those applicants who are having the domicile of Sindh and are looking for the same department posts so they are eligible to apply. Now, let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Irrigation Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | ACCA, Masters, Bachelor's, Intermediate, Matric |
Get Irrigation Department Punjab Jobs October 2016 Download Form. Current job for Director Finance BPS-19 is available for which applications from suitable candidates domiciled in Punjab for Project Management Office (PMO) for Punjab barrages, rehabilitation & modernization projects. Those candidates who are willing to apply should hold CA / FCA / FCMA with 10 years experience incase of CA / FCA / FCMA and age of candidate should be maximum 55 years and if anyone wanted to know more about requirements then please examine following image posted below. After final selection the employed applicant shall offer contract for the job according to which applicant have to perform its duties till June 2017 and during its services it shall offer salary package Rs. 119,973/- PKR with other facilities as per the policy of department. So, now take advantage from this opportunity and apply as soon as possible because for this post last date has set by the department is 28th October, 2016 and in the following we’ll provide you detailed how to apply procedure.
Punjab Irrigation Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | CA, FCA, FCMA |
Here in the following i am going to enlist a job details from Irrigation Department Lahore Jobs Oct 2016 Test & Interview Date. The applications are being invited from the Irrigation Department Strategic & Planning/Reform Unit is currently inviting the well disciplined, caliber, capable and well educated as well as experienced applicants are currently invited to fill out the wonderful senior as well as junior posts which are entitled as Chief Strategic Planning/ Reform Unit, Director Water Resource Planning & Management, Director Policy Planning & Project Development, Director Social & Environment Management, Deputy Director Climate Change, Deputy Director Environment/ Social Safeguard, Deputy Director Water Informatics, Deputy Director Groundwater Management, Deputy Director Financial & Economic Planning, Deputy Director Outreach & Dissemination, Deputy Director Planning/ Procurement, Deputy Director Human Resource Development, Deputy Director Legal Affairs, Assistant Director Asset Management, Assistant Director Monitoring & Evaluation, Assistant Director Environment, Office Manger, Computer Operator, Driver, Naib Qasid, Security Guard, Sweeper are required to apply with overall qualification of BS.c, MS.c, Masters, LL.B, Bachelor's, Intermediate, Literate are required to apply with several years experience is needed to apply. Appointment will be made on contract basis for the period of one year and all the domicile holders of Punjab are required to apply. Attractive remuneration package will be given to the applicants. So, after discussing these details now let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Irrigation Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | BS.c, MS.c, Masters, LL.B, Bachelor's, Intermediate, Literate |
Here in the following you will have the most awaited job offer from PPSC Jobs Sep 2016 Apply Online Latest Advertisement No 32/2016. The Punjab Public Service Commission always offers the best range of jobs from the number of the Govt department so for all the domicile holders of Punjab it’s the best news to be had and get employed in their own choice department in which they have expertise. Now, I will tell you the department in which vacancies are lying as Agriculture Department, Specialized Healthcare & Medical Education Department, Irrigation Department and Services and General Administration Department are required to apply against these posts. We, will have the discussion on the vacant situation department wise in our below heading. Overall, education which is required against these posts includes MS.c, BS.c,, MBBS,FCPS/FRCS/DS.c,MS/MD,Relevant Diploma, M.Phil, Intermediate with relevant expertise are called. The male, female and shemales are also eligible against these jobs. The domicile holders of Punjab and its district are welcome to apply readily. Now, let’s have a look on its vacant situations and how to apply criteria below.
Punjab Public Service Commission
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MS.c, BS.c,, MBBS,FCPS/FRCS/DS.c,MS/MD,Relevant Diploma, M.Phil, Intermediate |
Today at this job page you will be having the career opportunity from Irrigation Department DG Khan Jobs 2016 For Naib Qasid BPS-01. The Irrigation Department of Punjab is regulating all the irrigation system in all district of Punjab is currently looking and is seeking for the individuals who are literate and are jobless to have a job in such Govt sectors are cordially invited to have a job here. The vacancy which is vacant here includes Naib Qasid BPS-01 is over there. As, i have flipped the position before you now the eligibility criteria which is needed for this post is neither any higher degree but the Literate applicants are required to apply for this post. Total 2 vacancies are vacant for this post. Age limit should be 18 to 25 years. The applicants must be well versed in the responsibilities of this post will be hired to this post. The applicants will be hired on contract basis for the period of 3 years which will hired on the Contract Policy of Govt of Punjab. Al the residents and native of DG Khan are welcome with the open arms who are seeking for such job must hit the button to apply. Now, let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Irrigation Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Literate |
Here in the following i am going to discuss about the recent job offer from Irrigation Department Jhelum Jobs 04 August 2016 For Baildar BPS-01. The applications are invited form the Irrigation Department in Jhelum Division is seeking and looking to hire the eligible, suitable and well experienced applicants against the following given vacancies which includes Baildar, Driver, Telephone Attendant, Cook, Cook Barriers, Regulation Baildar, Mali Baildar, Mali, Canal Guard, Guage Reader, Chowkidar cum Cook, Badargah, Naib Qasid and Sanitary Worker are the places which can be filled at this moment. For all of these posts the applicants willing to apply for these jobs should possess not any degree but should be Matric and literate persons are eligible to apply and health plus possess their own field work are required to apply. Appointment will be done on the 3 years time period which can leads to furtehr extension based on the foo conduct of the employees after employment. The quota is reserved for 5% minorities, 15% for women and 20% for the retired employees of Govt service children and also for the Jhelum, Mirpur, Mandi Bahauddin and Gujrat to apply against these posts. Age limits are different as well as similar at the same time. So, let's have a look on its applying method below.
Irrigation Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Matric, Literate |
Here for the lovers of Govt jobs a job is being offered from Irrigation Department LCC Khanki Division Jobs 2016 For BPS-01 to BPS-04. The Irrigation Department of Khanki Division is inviting and is also looking to appoint the applicants for the various vacancies for which the services of highly experienced, skillful and minimum education holding candidates are needed to fill these vacancies which are named as Mason, Pressure Pipe Mason, Mason, Artificer/ Carpenter, Guage Reader, Molar Launch Attendant, Security Guard, Electrical Coolie, Fitter Coolier, Oil Man, Chowkidar, Sweeper, Treasurer, Jogman, Gatekeeper, Laboratory Attendant, Mali, Canal Guard, Naib Qasid, Mali cum Chowkidar, Driver, Regulation Baildar, Baildar and Boatman are needed to apply. The applicants who wishes to apply against these jobs must overall possess the Matric, Middle and Literate persons are required to apply but they should possess the relevant each field expertise are required. The quota is reserved 20% for in service and retired employees children, 15% for Women, 5% for minorities is there to apply. The applicants will be placed and employed in Gujranwala district. Only the applicants who belong to Khanki Division will be eligible to apply. So, after reading all these details now let's have a look on its further applying criteria below.
Irrigation Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Matric, Middle, Literate |