Today on this well known and most updated page the jobs is there from Irrigation Division Swabi Jobs 2016 For Electrician & Guage Reader BPS-07. The Irrigation Division is appointing the applicants for the post of Guage Reader and Electrician are required to apply against these posts. The eligibility criteria for the first and second post is same as Matric qualification and the applicants who are applying for the post of Electrician needs two years expertise. Age limit should be 18 to 25 years. The applicants who posses the domicile of Swabi, Nowshera and Mardan needs to apply. For those applicants. who meet the said criteria needs to apply fro these jobs. For to apply against these jobs the recruitment will be done on the policy of 2003. The good remuneration package will be admissible to the candidates with perfect atmosphere. So, let's have a look on its applying criteria and be the first one to have these jobs. Now, let's move towards its applying criteria below what sort of criteria it possess.
Irrigation Division
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Matric |
Today at this page you will be having the latest career offer from Irrigation Department Multan Jobs July/August 2016 For Driver BPS-04. The Irrigation Department Development Division-02 (NTD), Multan is recruiting the applicants for the BPS-01 to BPS-04 under the light of Contract Policy of 2004 Punjab on merit basis. The vacancies which are available here includes Baildar, Chowkidar and Driver. The applicants for the Sr No,1 includes should be healthy, knows the swimming, literate and bears the 5 feet and 8 inch. The applicants should pass from the swimming and running test. The applicants for the Sr No,2 includes should be literate and possess the relevant expertise in the relevant field. The applicants should possess the LTV driving license and possess the driving expertise are required to apply. Age limit for Sr No,1 and 3 should be 18-35 years and 18 to 25 years for Sr No,2. The quota is reserved for Disable persons, women , minorities and in service and retired employees children. The applicants should be the resident of Development Division (NTD-02) are eligible to apply. So, let's have a look now on its applying criteria below.
Irrigation Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Literate |
Here at this job page you will be having the job offer from Irrigation Department Marala Division Jobs 2016 Test & Interview Schedule. The Irrigation Department Maral Division UCC is looking to appoint the candidates for the minimum education holders and individuals who should be healthy and well versed in the field work are required to fill the following vacancies which includes Telephone Attendant, Baildar, Regulation Baildar, Dak Runner, Gate Keeper, Mali, Sweeper, Naib Qasid, Guage Reader, Treasurer, Chowkidar, Chowkidar cum Mali, Bearer cum Cook, Khansama Cook, Boatman, Skilled Coolie, Semi Skilled Coolie and Chowkidar cum Cook are required to apply for these jobs. The candidates will be appointed on contract basis for the period of three years. The quota is reserved 20% for in service and retired employees children, 15% for Women, 5% for minorities is there to apply. The qualification which is required for these posts which includes Matric, Middle, Literate persons are required to apply and the applicants should be fit and healthy and knows the each field work will be applicable to be hired. Age limit should be 18 to 35 years. So, let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Irrigation Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Matric, Middle, Literate |
Here in the following i am going to enlist a job details from Irrigation Department Punjab Jobs 2016 Advertisement Latest. The Office of the Executive Engineer Civil Rasul Division LGC Rasul , Irrigation Department , Govt of Punjab is seeking to hire the minimum qualification holder individuals who should be healthy and well versed in the field work are required to fill the following vacancies which includes Driver, Artificer, Telephone Attendant, Guage Reader, Plumber, Head Boatman, Assistant Coolie, Chowkidar, Chowkidar cum Cook, Baildar, Regulation Baildar, Canal Guard, Dak Runner, Gate Keeper, Mali cum Chowkidar, Mali, Security Guard, Sanitary Worker / Sweeper, Naib Qasid, Treasurer and Store Chowkidar are required for this department to come and fill the vacant situations. The Matric, Middle and Primary holding qualification are welcome to apply who should be having the proficiency in each field work are required to submit their application. The applying applicants must belong to Mandi Bahauddin, Sargodha or Jhelum. The job is on contract basis for the duration of 3 years. The quota is reserved for 15% Women, 5% for minorities and 20% for in service employees from 1 to 5 serial number.. For the positions of Baildar the applicants must possess the height of 5 feet 6 inches and chest size should be 33 inches is required and the candidates should be having the swimming expertise will be preferred. Age limits are 18-30 years for all the post and for few posts the 30-45 and 322-35 years is required. So, after having these all details now i sum up my ideas by saying that next step is to move towards its applying procedure.
Irrigation Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Matric, Middle, Primary |
Here at this page the job is being offered from Irrigation Department Bahawalnagar Jobs 2016 For Canal Guard BPS-01. The Irrigation Department of Bahawalnagar is currently seeking to appoint the individuals who are less educated and we can say that minimum educated holders but possess the well expertise of their work are welcome to apply against the posts of Canal Guard and Sanitary Worker are required in this department.The appointment of the above positions will be done on contract basis for the period of five years which can be further extended upon the satisfactory performance of the applicants. The salary and other allowance will also be admissible according to the contract policy. The qualification which is required for the Canal guard includes Matric and those applicants who have been retired from the Armed forces & Paramilitary Forces and should be healthy are applicable to apply against these posts within full confidence. Whereas, for the second post the applicants should be well versed i their field work and literate also be fit and healthy are required to apply. Age limit for Sr No, 1 includes 30-45 years and for Sr No,2 includes 18 to 30 years. So, after having these details let's have a look now on its applying criteria below.
Irrigation Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Matric |
Here at this page the job is being offered from Irrigation Department Bahawalpur Jobs 2016 Latest Test & Interview Schedule. The Bahawalpur's Irrigation Department career opportunities are knocking the doors of applicants to awake them come and apply and fill these vacant situations which are waiting to be filled by the eligible and suitable applicants which includes Baildar, Mali Chowkidar, Khakrob, Canal Guard, Guage Reader, Mali and Cook Chowkidar is required to apply for all of these vacancies. The appointment of the above positions will be done on contract basis for the period of three years which can be further extended upon the satisfactory performance of the applicants. The qualification which is required approximately for all situation should be literate person and should be well versed in their work will be preferred whereas for he post of Canal Guard the applicants should be Matric pass with 2nd Division and retired person from Army and paramilitary forces will be given preference to be applied for this post. For all the posts the applicants should be medically and physically fit. The positions are vacant for the Sr No 1 to 5 only for the children of retired and in service employees. Age of the applicants should be 18-30 years where for the post of Canal Guard the age should be 430 to 45 years. So, now let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Irrigation Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Matric, Literate |
For the natives of Sulemanki Division District Okara a job is being offered from Irrigation Department Sulemanki Division Jobs 2016 Latest Advertisement. The Irrigation Department Sulemanki Division is currently looking to hire the individuals who possess the minimum qualification are welcome to apply to fill the following positions which includes Chowkidar cum Cook, Regulation Baildar, Baildar, Boatman, Chowkidar, Treasurer, Store Attendant and Khakrob are required to apply for the following posts and all those applicants who are willing to apply for these jobs should possess not any degree but should be literate are eligible to apply and health plus possess their own field work are required to apply. The appointment of the said posts will be done 3 years contract basis and the recruitment will be done on the basis of govt of Punjab's policy. The natives of Pakpattan, Vehari, and Okara are only eligible to apply none of the other than these district are liable to apply. Age limit should be 22-35 years and 18 to 30 years. The quota is reserved for 5% minorities, 15% for women and 20% for the retired employees of Govt service children to apply against these posts the height of the applicants should be 5 fee to 6 inches and chest size should not be less than 33 inch. So, after discussing all these details now its time to move toward sits applying criteria further.
Irrigation Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Literate |
Today at this job page the latest job opportunity is there for the natives of Faisalabad from Irrigation Department Drainage Division Faisalabad Jobs 2016 Career Offers. The Irrigation Department Drainage Division Faisalabad is looking to appoint the minimum qualification holding individuals for the following positions which includes Gatekeeper, Khakrob, Mali, Baildar, Dafadar (Canal Guard) are the vacancies which needs to be filled by the applicants to fill these vacancies with the per filed expertise in each post. The jobs are on contract basis to apply and the recruitment will be done the Govt of Punjab Policy 2004. The quota is reserved for % for Disable Persons, 15% for Women, 5% for Minorities and for In service& retired employees children 20% quota is there to apply against these posts. The applicants must belong to Faisalabad to be able to hold and apply for these vacancies otherwise they will not be liable to apply if they belong to any other city. So, have a look on these wonderful jobs and apply as soon as possible for these jobs with respect to proper time and date. Now, let’s have a look below on its applying criteria and upcoming heading step by step.
Irrigation Department Drainage Division
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Primary, Literate |
Here at this page you’ll have Irrigation Department Punjab Jobs June 2016 Advertisement Latest Vacancies. Jobs in Irrigation Department Punjab are available and it is looking to recruit following staff for Hydraulic Structures Safety Evaluation Unit Irrigation Department for which it invites applications from the Punjab Domiciled candidates for the following positions such as (Director Embankments, Deputy Director Hydraulics, Deputy Director Mechanical, Deputy Director Civil, Assistant Director Structures, Assistant Director Geotechnical, Assistant Director Mechanical, Assistant Director Civil, Assistant Director Instrument and Office Boy / Naib Qasid). Appointment of these positions is on contract basis and duration of contract is upto June, 2019 which is further extendable on satisfactory performance of individual. Candidates from all over Punjab can apply for these positions but there are some requirements mentioned in the following image for every position which is compulsory for everyone to fulfill them such as for all positions Masters / Bachelors pass candidates can apply except for Sr. No. 10 because for this post only Matric pass can apply. So, viewers take advantage from this opportunity and apply as soon as possible because once you selected against this opportunities then you’ll be able to earn handsome salary package which you can examined from the following image mentioned separately for every post. So, now for interested candidates we’ll discuss about how to apply procedure.
Irrigation Department Punjab
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters, Bachelors, BSc, Matric |
Here in the following we are here to post a new job from Irrigation Department Punjab Jobs May 2016 Test & Interview Schedule. The Punjab Irrigation Department has lunched a new program named " Program Monitoring & Implementation Unit" is the launched program needs the services of eligible, talented and caliber candidates for the several vacancies based in Head Office of Lahore includes Senior Water Resource Modeler, Senior GIS Specialist, Senior Network Specialist, Senior ASP. NET Developer, Junior Water Resource Modeler, Junior GIS Specialist, Junior Network Specialist, Electronic / Telecommunication Engineer, Data Analyst, Assistant Director Mobile Monitoring Team, Stenographer and few other vacancies are vacant to be filled which requires the qualification of Master's, BS.c in Civil Engineering, DAE and Intermediate along with each field experience in the relevant field is required to hold these vacancies. The positions from Sr No 1 to 8 and 14 to 16 are on contract basis which are extendable upto 2018 whereas the Sr No.9 to 13 are on contract basis extendable upto 2016 only. Attractive salary package will be offered to the candidates and applicant must be well versed in Computer Literacy and also knows the rest of the expertise. So, those candidates who wishes to apply for these jobs must fulfill the said criteria and than tap to apply. Now, let's tap towards its applying criteria.
Irrigation Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Master's, BS.c, DAE, Intermediate |
Today on 27th of April 2016 we are once again there with a fresh and recent job offer from Irrigation Department Khanewal Jobs April 2016 Test & Interview Schedule. The Irrigation Department is looking for the adroit, experienced and well equipped applicants to apply on contract basis for the vacant positions of Plumber, Bearer, Chowkidar, Cook cum Chowkidar, Gatekeeper, Baildar, Garden Baildar, Mali, Mali cum Baildar, Regulation Baildar, Milkman, Treasurer, Khakrob/Sanitary Worker, Mason, Jeep Driver and Canal Guard are the positions which are required to be filled here in this department. The qualification which is needed to fill these positions includes Matric, Middle, relevant Diploma and the applicant should be well how know regarding their work and should be healthy. Age limit should be 18-30 years for all these vacancies to be filled. The quota is available for 3% for Disable Persons, 15% for Women, 5% for Minorities and for In service& retired employees scale No1 to 5 for their children 20% quota is there to apply. Now, let’s have a look below on its applying criteria.
Irrigation Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Matric, Middle, Relevant Diploma |
Today i am here in connection with you all like each morning to post a job from PPSC Jobs 3 April Apply Online is looking to recruit the individuals for the vacant situations in various department is inviting the candidates to apply from the following departments namely Industrial Investment & Commerce Department, Irrigation Department, Labour & Human Resource Department, Mines and Minerals Department and Specialized Healthcare & Medical Education Department is having huge number of vacancies to apply with over all qualification of MBBS, M.A, M.Sc, Diploma is required along with each field expertise in the relevant field for several years in mandatory to be had. Males and Females both are eligible to apply. The age limits are different for all jobs. So these all are the details regarding these jobs the candidates meeting the eligibility criteria along with experience they must come forward to apply. So now let's have a turn towards its applying method and vacant situations department wise.
Punjab Public Service Commission
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBBS, M.A, M.Sc, Diploma |