Monday, 10th March, 2025
quote وَبِالْوَالِدَيْنِ إِحْسَانًا --- Treat with kindness your parents (Al-Baqara - 2:83)
9th Roza
05:25 AM
06:07 PM

KP TEVTA NTS Candidates List 4th to 13th Nov 2016 Check Online

Category: Results

Get KP TEVTA NTS Candidates List 4th to 13th Nov 2016 Check Online. Few days back jobs in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Technical Education & Vocational Training Authority were announced by NTS and those candidates who have submitted their applications need to focus here because test date has been announced which is going to be held from Friday 4th to 13th November, 2016 and now candidates have to check their name in the eligible candidates list by putting name of CNIC in the following box and then press search button and within no time your name will be in front of you. For more NTS related data please visit our site

Test Type: KP Technical Education & Vocational Training Authority (Recruitment Test)

Test Dates : Friday 4th, Saturday 5th, Sunday 6th, Saturday 12th & Sunday 13th November, 2016

KP TEVTA NTS Candidates List 4th to 13th Nov 2016 Check Online


[junkie-alert style=”red”] For Current NTS Jobs: Click Here [/junkie-alert]

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  1. maaz ullah khan says:

    interview kab hoga

  2. cirgand khan says:

    where is the merit list.. i got message from nts that meriy list is displayed but i cant se that

    1. Mahnoor says:

      View it frm NTS SIte

    2. Mudassar KHan says:

      i am the topper with 79 marks!!!

  3. Shakeel ahmad says:

    sir merit list kis website per hay mujay nahi mil raha please guide me.

    1. Mahnoor says:


  4. Asif ahmad says:

    Sir i have pass KP Tevta test for the post of junior office assistant and i got 76 marks please inform me in which date merit list will be displayed…. and in which website merit list will be displayed….

    1. Mahnoor says:


  5. Sheraz khan says:

    Merit list kab tak ajayiga aur merit ks formula par baniga plz inform me.

    1. Mahnoor says:

      view it from NTS SIte kindly.

  6. izhar ahmad says:

    Merit list kab lege ga please imform

  7. Fahad says:

    6 nov sunday ko jo test hgia es mn jo banday pas hain eska merit list kab lagy ga

    1. samea says:

      pasing marks kea han

  8. afsar ali says:

    mare bhai ka abi tak roll num nahi aya hai plz hum buht pareshan hai name afsar ali cnic 17103-0377023-5 phone num 03101868163 plz thanks for u

    1. Mahnoor says:

      Ap NTS Site visit kren.

      1. Fahad says:

        Kindly bta da8n jo candidates pas hain nts main un ka list kab lagy ga?
        Ar kitnay marks walay candidates call karengy?

        1. Mahnoor says:

          Ye app NTS SIte e maloom kren.

          1. izhar ahmad says:

            Manoor nts do not show merit its only test marts

            1. Mahnoor says:

              So, what u need to be shown no ur mistaken its also show its merit list u need to search it.

  9. ihsanullah says:

    I have been received neither call nor mesg for the test

    1. Mahnoor says:

      Test dates will be dispatched on NTS SIte they wont call u.

    2. Farman Saeed says:

      You shuld check nts rejected list from nts site.

      1. sher ALAM khan says:

        Kp tevta Ka merit list kab large ga???

        1. nana says:

          share ur marks, lecturer physics is topped on 68

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