ETS Scholarships Award 2015 in Pakistan by NTS
Category: | Scholarships |
Here is good news for the students of Pakistan that ETS Scholarships Award 2015 in Pakistan by NTS is available. ETS USA is a global leader not for profit organization with a mission for progress in education through tesing and assessment and in Pakistan ETS has been working since January, 2011 and it has designed TOEIC L&R, TOEIC S&W, TOEFL (ITP) and TOEFL (iBT) tests to measure English Skilles that enable students learn a lot. To promote English language NTS has envisaged a scholarship program for the deserving students. The scholarship awards are available for the students from 8 years to 21 years old and for those students who are studying in 3rd standard grade to under 14 years of education. There are total 115 scholarships awards are available and interested candidates willing to apply for it should possess eligibility criteria mentioned in the image posted below. Read the following how to apply procedure and apply confidently for the scholarship awards.
How To Apply:
- Registration forms are available at the official site of NTS.
- Registration forms should be duly verified by the Head of Institute / college / School.
- Duly filled and verified registration form along with attested copy of CNIC or Form B should be sent to following address given below.
- Every student who appears in the test will receive International English Language Score Report and Certification from ETS-USA.
- Scholarship awards will be declared on 11th April, 2015.
Scholarship Awards Date: 11th April, 2015.
Address: NTS Headquarter, 1-E, Street # 46, Sector I-8/2, Islamabad.
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Hadees of the Day
إِنَّ لِرَبِّكَ عَلَيْكَ حَقًّا وَلِنَفْسِكَ عَلَيْكَ حَقًّا وَلِأَهْلِكَ عَلَيْكَ حَقًّا فَأَعْطِ كُلَّ ذِي حَقٍّ حَقَّهُ
تیرے رب کا تجھ پر حق ہے، تیرے نفس کا تجھ پر حق ہے، اور تیرے گھر والوں کا تجھ پر حق ہے، پس ہر حق والے کو اس کا حق دے۔
(Tere Rab ka tujh par haq hai, tere nafs ka tujh par haq hai, aur tere ghar walon ka tujh par haq hai, pas har haq wale ko us ka haq de.)Your Lord has a right over you, your soul has a right over you, and your family has a right over you. So give everyone their due rights.