Pakpattan city is located in the Sahiwal division province Punjab, Pakistan and Jobs in Pakpattan 2024-2025 are provided with complete detail about eligibility criteria and how to apply procedure. It’s the city of great saint Baba Fareed. Word PAKPATTAN is the combination of two words Pak and Pattan which means “Clean Dockland”. Punjabi is the main language spoken by the people of this city beside this Haryanvi language is spoken by Ranghars and Rajputs. The city was ruled by many emperors of different dynasties. The city is of commercial importance and imports include wheat, oilseeds and pulses, refined sugar and fruits from many of its villages. The municipality was created in 1867. The city consist of many educational institutes. The people of this city are mostly engaged in their own business and are employed in several industries for earning their livelihood. The city has shrines of many saints namely Baba Farid, Darbar Khuwaja Aziz Maki and Syed Amoor Ul Hassan Shah.