You are looking for The Nation jobs on our site and here is the 114 results found of The Nation, and find more jobs in Pakistan with best search on our website.
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Lissaail-e-Wal Mahroom Foundation KPK Assistant Account Jobs 2015
(Job Expired)
For the residents of KPK we provided here Lissaail-e-Wal Mahroom Foundation KPK Assistant Account Jobs 2015. Jobs in Lissaail-e-Wal Mahroom Foundation are available and this NGO based foundation is looking for highly educated, very experienced, hardworking and well disciplined candidates for the following position such as (Assistant Accounts BS-16). Appointment of above mentioned position will be done on purely contract basis and duration of contract will be one year which is extendable on satisfactory performance. Candidates willing to apply should be resident of Khyber Pakhtuhkhwa province and also possess relevant qualification, experience and age according to the criteria mentioned in the following image and according to the criteria candidates should have B.Com or BBA degree from any recognized university from HEC and also have at least three years experience in any Government of Private department and also have experience in computer. Age of candidate should be between 18 to 30 years. Those candidates who fulfill the criteria should apply as per the following how to apply procedure.
Lissaail-e-Wal Mahroom Foundation
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | B.Com, BBA |
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PDMA Punjab Jobs November 2015 Application Form Apply Last Date
(Job Expired)
Here at this page we’ll discuss about PDMA Punjab Jobs November 2015 Application Form Apply Last Date. Jobs in PDMA Punjab Disaster Management Authority are available and it is looking to recruit following staff in different districts of Punjab and for this purpose it is seeking for highly educated, very experienced, hardworking and well disciplined candidates for the following positions such as (Project Director, Deputy Project Director, Director (Finance & Accounts), Director (Planning and Implementation), Director (Admin), Procurement & Financial Management Specialist, Disaster Risk Management Specialist, Team Leader, GIS Developers, DBA, Network Administrator, Project Coordinator, MIS Specialist, District Disaster Management Coordinator, IT Manager, Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist, Assistant Director, Social Media Manager, Office Manager, IT Assistant and etc). All positions are on contract basis and duration of contract is extendable satisfactory performance. Candidates willing to apply first of all should have valid CNIC and Domicile of Punjab and also have relevant qualification and experience according to the criteria mentioned in the following image. So, only suitable candidates should apply as per the following how to apply procedure.
Provincial Disaster Management Authority Punjab
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters, Graduation, Intermediate |
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KPK Government Jobs November 2015 in Buner Latest Advertisement
(Job Expired)
Here at this page you’ll have KPK Government Jobs November 2015 in Buner Latest Advertisement. Jobs in the office of Deputy Commissioner Buner Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa are available and it is seeking for highly educated, very experienced, hardworking and well disciplined candidates for the following positions such as (Junior Scale Stenographer, Reader, Driver, Naib Qasid and etc). Appointments of above mentioned positions will be done on contract basis and it is extendable on satisfactory performance. Candidates willing to apply should compare themselves with the eligibilities mentioned in the image posted below and in the criteria you’ll have information about the required qualification, experience and age, so only suitable candidates should step forward and apply confidently for the following positions which are based at Buner. For eligible candidates fulfilling the above criteria we have provided how to apply procedure in the following heading.
KPK Government
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Intermediate, Matric, Middle |
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Rural Development Department Quetta Assistant Hygiene Promoter Jobs 2015
(Job Expired)
Here at this page you’ll have Rural Development Department Quetta Assistant Hygiene Promoter Jobs 2015. Jobs in Balochistan Rural Development Department are available and it is seeking for highly educated, very experienced, hardworking and well disciplined candidates for the following position such as (Assistant Hygiene Promoter BPS-11). Appointment of above mentioned position will be done on contract basis and duration of contract is extendable on satisfactory performance. Candidates willing to apply should possess minimum Graduation qualification and experience in the relevant field. Age of candidates should be between 18 to 30 years. It is golden opportunity for all those who are highly educated and wanted to have job in any government department. For eligible candidates fulfilling the above criteria we have provided how to apply procedure in the following heading.
Rural Development Department Quetta
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | BA |
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Directorate General Health Services KPK Jobs 2015 Charge Nurses & Male Nurses
(Job Expired)
For the residents of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province we provide here wonderful job opportunities such as Directorate General Health Services KPK Jobs 2015 Charge Nurses & Male Nurses. Directorate General Health Department KPK is looking to recruit Charge Nurses BPS-16 and Male Nurses BPS-16 in different hospitals working in the KPK province for which it invites applications from the candidates having relevant qualification and experience. Appointments will be done on temporary basis and this selection will continue till the new recruitment is not done by the KP Public Service Commission. Candidates willing to apply should possess basic education Matric and for charge nurse candidates should be registered as A-Grade Nurse, Midwife in Pakistan Nursing Council and for Male candidates should also registered at Pakistan Nursing Council with one year specialization. Age of candidate should be 18 to 30 years and should have domicile of KPK / FATA. For interested candidates meeting above criteria we have provided how to apply procedure in the next heading.
Directorate General Health Services KPK
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Matric |
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Office of Deputy Commissioner Mansehra Jobs 2015 for Computer Operator
(Job Expired)
Here at this page you’ll have Office of Deputy Commissioner Mansehra Jobs 2015 for Computer Operator. Jobs in Office of Deputy Commissioner Mansehra are available and Deputy Commissioner of Mansehra invites applications from the residents of Mansehra only who are highly educated, very experienced, hardworking and well disciplined candidates for the following position such as (Computer Operator). Appointment of above mentioned position will be held on purely contract basis and duration of contract is extendable on satisfactory performance. Candidates willing to apply should have at least second class bachelors degree in computer science / information technology (BCS/BIT four years), from a recognized university or at least second class bachelors degree from a recognized university with one year diploma in information technology from a recognized board of technician education. Those candidates having experience in Urdu (Inpage) will be preferred. For eligible candidates have provided how to apply procedure in the following heading, so read it carefully and apply accordingly.
Office of Deputy Commissioner Mansehra
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Graduation |
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Peshawar Police SPOs Jobs 2015 Eligibility Criteria Test / Interview Date
(Job Expired)
Here at this page you’ll have Peshawar Police SPOs Jobs 2015 Eligibility Criteria Test / Interview Date. Jobs in Police Department Capital Police Peshawar are available. For all those who are not well educated but looking to have job in any Government department we have provided that KPK Police is looking to recruit following staff for Capital Police Peshawar for which it invites applications from educated, physically fit, honest and well disciplined candidates for the few posts of Special Police Force (SPOs). Appointment will be done on purely contract basis. Candidates willing to apply should possess following conditions set by the Capital City Police Peshawar such as candidates should be at least 6th Class pass, height of candidate should be 5’ 6”, Chest measurement of candidate should be 30x32, age of candidate should be 20 to 45 years and only those candidates having domicile of Peshawar district are eligible to apply. So, for all those interested and eligible candidates we have provided how to apply procedure in the following heading, read it carefully and apply accordingly.
Peshawar Police
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Middle |
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District & Session Court Karachi Stenographer Jobs 2015 Eligibility Criteria
(Job Expired)
Here at this page you’ll have District & Session Court Karachi Stenographer Jobs 2015 Eligibility Criteria. Jobs in District and Session Court Karachi are available and these jobs are for the residents of Karachi having valid CNIC and Domicile and it is seeking for highly educated, very experienced, hardworking and well disciplined candidates for the following position such as (Stenographer (BPS-15)). Appointment of the above mentioned position will be held on contract basis which is extendable on satisfactory performance. Candidates willing to apply should possess qualification Graduation with second division from any recognized university and have diploma of shorthand and computer skills. Candidates have ability to produce computer typing speed 40 words per minute and have ability to produce shorthand typing speed 80 words per minute. Age of candidate should be between 21 to 25 years. It is golden opportunity for the residents of Karachi because to have job in any Government sector is beneficial in future. For eligible candidate we have provided how to apply procedure in the following heading.
District & Session Court Karachi
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Graduation |
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SBBWU Peshawar Jobs 2015 Application Form Career Opportunities
(Job Expired)
Here at this page you’ll have SBBWU Peshawar Jobs 2015 Application Form Career Opportunities. Jobs in SBBWU Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University Peshawar are available and this top ranked university in KPK is seeking for highly educated, very experienced, hardworking and well disciplined candidates for the following positions such as (Project Coordinator) and appointment will be held on contract basis. Candidates willing to apply should possess qualification first class B.Sc Civil Engineering from an HEC / PEC recognized University with high academic attainments having not less than three years experience in relevant field in class 1 or equivalent posts in Govt. / Semi – Govt. Organization / autonomous organization. It is good opportunity for all those candidates who are highly educated and looking to have job in such type of well reputed educational institute which offers handsome salary package and SBBWU will offer Rs. 45,000/- per month salary to selected candidates. For eligible candidates have provided how to apply procedure in the following heading.
Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University Peshawar
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | BSc |
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Islamic Relief NGO Jobs in Pakistan 2015 Apply Online Employment Opportunities
(Job Expired)
Here at this page you’ll have Islamic Relief NGO Jobs in Pakistan 2015 Apply Online Employment Opportunities. Jobs in Islamic Relief (IR) are available, as Islamic Relief is a UK based international relief and development organization which is providing its services to the world’s poorest people and in Pakistan it is working since 1992 and currently to make its services much better it invites applications from highly educated, very experienced, hardworking and well disciplined candidates for the following positions such as (Project Officer, Field Engineer-Wash, Sub Engineer, Community Mobilizer, Hygiene Promoter, Assistant Field Officer, Assistant Finance Officer, Assistant Supply Chain & Warehouse Officer, Water Quality Analyst, Cook , Office Boy and Cleaner), all positions are based at Chitral. Candidates willing to apply should compare themselves with the eligibilities mentioned in the image posted below and there you’ll also have information about the monthly salary which would be offer to the selected candidates. So, for eligible candidates we have provided how to apply procedure in the following heading.
Islamic Relief Organization
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters, MBA, M.Com, ICMA, CA, Graduation, BE, B.Tech, DAE, Middle |
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Army Public School Nowshera Jobs 2015 For Teaching Staff
(Job Expired)
Here at this we’ll provide you Army Public School Nowshera Jobs 2015 For Teaching Staff. Jobs in APS Army Public School Armour Nowshera are available and it invites applications from the Pakistani Nationals who are highly educated, very experienced, hardworking and well disciplined against the following positions such as (Physics Teacher M.Sc (Phy), Computer Lab Assistant, Female DPE and Fine Arts Teacher). Candidates willing to apply should read the eligibility criteria carefully in which you’ll have information about required education and experience, those who wanted to apply for Physics Teacher should have M.Sc. Physics and those who wanted to apply for Computer Lab Assistant should have BCS, BSC degree, for Female DPE Masters in Physical Education and for Fine Arts Teacher BA in Fine Arts is required. After successful selection attractive salary will be offered as per qualification and experience. So, for interested candidates we have provided how to apply procedure in the following heading.
Army Public School Nowshera
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters, MSC, BCS, BSC, BA |
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Police Jobs in Kohistan October / November 2015 for Constable
(Job Expired)
Here at this page we’ll discuss about Police Jobs in Kohistan October / November 2015 for Constable. Jobs in Police Department Upper Kohistan District are available and department is looking to recruit retired army officers in KKH Patrolling Force for which it is seeking for physically fit, intelligent and hardworking candidates for the post of Constable. Recruitment of above mentioned position will be on one year contract basis and duration of contract is extendable on satisfactory performance on satisfactory performance and mutual consent. Candidates willing to apply should fulfill the following conditions mentioned in the image posted below such as age of candidate should be 45 years, have good track record, should be physically fit and etc. For interested candidates we have provided complete how to apply procedure in the following heading which would help you how you can apply for this vacant position.
Kohistan Police Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Matric |