Friday, 28th March, 2025
quote The beauty of Islam is that it’s never too late to ask ALLAH for forgiveness but we also have to remember you never know when you’ll die.
27th Roza
04:55 AM
06:18 PM

BISE Federal Board SSC-I & SSC-II Result 2018

Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Islamabad was established under FBISE Act 1975, is an autonomous body of the Ministry of Education, trainings and Standards in Higher Education. Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education is the Intermediate Education Government body in Pakistan and overseas Pakistani Schools. It is authorized with financial and administrative authority to organize, manage, regulate, develop and control intermediate and secondary education in general and accomplish examination institutions affiliated with it. Jurisdictions of the Federal Board are (Islamabad Capital Territory, All over Pakistan (Cantonments and Garrisons), Federally Administered Northern Area and Overseas. Federal Board affiliate institutions imparting SSC and HSSC education with in Pakistan and abroad, Federal Board prescribe courses of instructions for SSC and HSSC this board ensure provision of requisite facilities in the affiliated institutions. This education department holds exams every year and appoints examiners and supervisor staff for the exams. Allama Iqbal Open University is also work under Federal Board. This education department also gives scholarships to intelligent students.

BISE Federal Board

For Matriculation level Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Islamabad has set two types of group which are (Science and Arts). For Intermediate level Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Islamabad has set six different groups which are (Pre-Engineering, Pre-Medical, Computer Science, Commerce, General Science and Arts). The Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education conduct exams of intermediate and secondary every year and a great number of students participate in these exams every year. This education department is doing a very great job for the progress of education, this education department first makes the Dates sheets of all groups whether of Matriculation or Intermediate and after exams this department also announced result. You can get every type of Date sheets and Results of Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Islamabad at our website Jobs For more Information and Updates about education please visit our website Jobs Alert.

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