Monday, 3rd March, 2025
quote A Muslim is the one from whose tongue and hand other Muslims are safe. (Sahih Bukhari, Book 2, Hadith 11)

PEC 5th Class Result 2020 Lahore Board by Roll Number Check Online

Category: Results

Search PEC 5th Class Result 2020 Lahore Board by Roll Number | PEC Result 2020 PDF File Download Online Result 2020 5th Class which is an official site of Punjab Education Commission on 31st March 2020. So, for all those students who appeared in the examination of primary level and are waiting enthusiastically for their result need to focus here because today at this page we are going to expose the date of 5th Class Result.

The PEC has decided to declare the result in March 2020 for the Lahore district. It’s a matter of immense happiness plus nervousness that what sort of grades the students acquire. As I have given you the good news now another news is this that from our well-known site named “” which not only post jobs for you but also provide you the facility to check the result online from this page accurately without facing any sort of difficulty. Now, I will let you know about some details regarding the PEC and some news point.

PEC is abbreviated as Punjab Education Commission is the Government Educational body which is under the Government of Punjab’s supervision which started working in years 2005 and 2006, it is responsible for the conduction of examination from 5th and 8th Class of all public and private schools. Moreover, the commission is having enough responsibilities which I will discuss in the below heading.

Check 5th Class Result Here

PEC 5th Class Result 2020 Announced

Result : 10:00 AM

Date: March 2020

For Other Districts, Result Click Here

PEC 5th Class Result 2020 BISE Lahore Board

Functions of PEC:

  • Registration of students from the Examination Cluster Center (ECC) – Govt. Secondary/Higher Secondary School.
  • Availability of Forms
  • Issuing Roll Number Slips
  • Time Table Issuance
  • Examination Conduction
  • Result Preparation
  • Report Preparation

Introduction To Lahore Board:

So, we are talking regarding the functions now as we have discussed above about the PEC so Lahore Board is also one of the well-known board of Punjab which is also involved and working for the conduction of examination and all other functions relevant to the board and is considered as the biggest educational board of Pakistan which came into existence on 1945. The districts which are under the Lahore Board includes Lahore, Shiekhupura, Okara, Nankana Sahib and Kasur District examination were conducted by this Board also of these districts.

So, guys once again I am telling you that there is no need to worry about your result that you will have your PEC 5th Class Result from this page along with names and roll numbers so in the morning of 31st March 2020 just stay tuned with this page and see your result with great comfort and accuracy.

Above we discuss PEC 5th Class Result 2020 Lahore Board by Roll Number Check Online PEC Result 2020 5th Class PDF File Gazette Download from Result 2020 or it can be downloaded from which is the only result providing portal of Pakistan which provides you the result on an exact date and time. If there is any problem regarding the result then feel free to ask us in the following comment and we’ll respond to you as soon as possible. Best of Luck for your 5th Class Result 2020.

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  1. Name (required) says:

    plz result bta dain ssdia zafar d/o manzoor ahmed roll no 15-219-118

    1. Name: Sadia Zafar
      Father Name: Manzoor Hussain
      Roll No: 15-219-118
      Marks: 384

  2. Abid Chohan says:

    plzz send the result detail on my number roll no. 27332103… my cell num 03014412797

  3. Xaib Aslam says:

    No Result found

  4. ayesh says:


  5. abdul sattar says:


  6. ali hassan says:

    please send me result rol no 20 175 308

    1. Xaib Aslam says:

      Name: Ali Hassan
      Father Name: Muhammad Hussain
      Roll No: 20-175-308

      Urdu 71
      English 45
      Mathematics 83
      Science 43
      Islamiyat 68

      Remarks: PASS
      Total: 310

  7. Rida shahbaz says:

    meri sis ny 5th ke exams diay hain plzz tell me her result plzzzz

    and her roll number is 27-817-314 plzz tell me

    1. Xaib Aslam says:

      No Result found

  8. maria says:

    MY ROLL NUMBER IS 27-817-314

  9. khizar hayat says:


    1. Xaib Aslam says:

      No Result found

  10. zain says:

    27-617-118 name= zain haider (lahore )

    1. Bilal says:

      plz tell me resul name ramsha ahmad and Roll nombr 24-159-157 Plz tell

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