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Latest General Manager Jobs in Pakistan 2025
General Manager Jobs in Pakistan 2025 Upcoming Latest Mar
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PIA Jobs 2017 Pakistan International Airline Download Online Form
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Current openings of careers are announced from PIA Jobs 2017 Pakistan International Airline Download Online Form. One of the leading airline of Pakistan named Pakistan International Airline is inviting the diligent, sharp minded and talented applicants services are required this time to serve the ICT Department of PIA and for this the following posts needs to be filled such as (Deputy General Manager (Cyber Security)-ICT, (Deputy General Manager (Network Services Security)-ICT, Manager Date Centre-ICT, Manager Information Security & Governance-ICT, Database Administrator (Assistant Manager-ICT), Senior Web Developer (Assistant Manager-ICT) & Mobile Application Developer (Senior Officer-ICT) are the current vacancies which needs to be filled with overall qualification of Masters and Graduation from well recognized universities and relevant expertise with excellent record, communication and analytical skills are required to apply for such posts. Appointment will be made on contract basis for the period of two year’s which will be extended further on performance basis. Successful applicants will be paid market based salary packages with fringe benefits as well. So, these all are the details and for further details come towards its rest of the details below.
Pakistan International Airline
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters, Graduation |
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Multinational Company Jobs 2017 in Karachi Online Apply Latest Add
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Here in the following you will get Multinational Company Jobs 2017 in Karachi Online Apply Latest Add. Career opportunities are knocking the doors of applicants from Multinational Company of Karachi for Petroleum Sector the services of suitable, caliber and well disciplined applicants are required to apply for the following posts which are named as (General Manager, HSE Manager, Operations Manager, Shift Supervisors, Plant Operators, Maintenance Engineer, Maintenance Technicians, Customer Service Supervisor, HR Business Partner & HR & Admin Officer) are the posts which requires to be filled with overall qualification of B-Tech, MBA, BBA with relevant expertise are needed to apply for such posts. Applicants should possess the each post skill are welcome to apply. As, the jobs are vacant for Petroleum sector so the company offers handsome salary packages with fringe benefits. So, guys, stay tuned with this page and apply before due date as soon as possible. Now, I will let you know about it's further details below.
Multinational Company
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters, Graduation |
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Punjab Thermal Power Jobs 2017 in Lahore July Advertisement Latest
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Get the latest July's month vacancy from Punjab Thermal Power Jobs 2017 in Lahore July Advertisement Latest. Punjab Thermal Power is the Govt of Punjab under working company which is inviting the well disciplined, educated and dynamic applicants to fill the most senior posts which are named as (Chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Company Secretary, Chief Technical Officer, Chief Legal Officer, Chief Monitoring Officer, Chief Internal Auditor, General Manager Admin & HR, General Manager Site, General Manager Technical, Deputy CFO, Manager Technical, Manager I&C, Manager Mechanical, Manager Civil, Manager HSE, Manager Legal, Manager Monitoring & Evaluation, Manager Planning, Manager Analytics, Manager Coordination, Manager Administration, Manager Administration & Security, Manager Human Resource, Manager Procurement and Manager ERP) are the current posts which needs to be filled with Masters and Bachelor's qualification from well recognized institute with per relevant expertise are needed to apply for such posts. Applicants will be posted in Head Office Lahore and Jhang District. Attractive remuneration package will be given to the applicants. Now, I will let you know about it's further details below.
Punjab Thermal Power
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters, Graduation |
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Sindh Irrigation & Drainage Authority Jobs 2017 Employment Offers
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Latest career offers are there from Sindh Irrigation & Drainage Authority Jobs 2017 Employment Offers. Applications are being offered from Sindh Irrigation & Drainage Authority is seeking to appoint the applicants for Project named "Water Sector Improvement Project" with additional financing of World Bank. Following vacancies needs to be filled such as (General Manager (Finance), Admin & Customer Relations, Assistant Manager (Finance & Accounts), Assistant Manager (Social Mobilizations), Assistant Manager (Communications/Training's), Assistant Manager (IT), Assistant Manager (Assessment & Recovery Officer) are the posts which needs to be filled with overall qualification of CA, ACMA, MBA,, Masters from well recognized university and relevant expertise are required to hold these posts hastily. Appointment will be made on contract basis for the Office of Directors, AWB's located at Ghotki, Mirpurkhas and Badin for the period of one year which will be extended further on satisfactory performance. Applicants should be computer literate and English Communications Skills and MS Office. Domicile holders of Sindh are eligible to apply. Now, I will let you know about it's further details below.
Sindh Irrigation & Drainage Authority
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | CA, ACMA, MBA,, Masters |
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Public Sector Organization Karachi Jobs 2017 Current Vacancies Add
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Here on 19th of April a recent job offer is being offered from Public Sector Organization Karachi Jobs 2017 Current Vacancies Add. Applications are recently offered from Karachi Public Sector Organization is seeking to hire the well disciplined, caliber and adroit applicants are required to apply for ample of the posts which are named as (General Manager (Technical & Operations), Deputy General Manager (Finance & Accounts), Deputy General Manager (Technical & Operations), Manager Planning, Geologist Head Office/Site Office, Assistant Manager (Admin & Finance), Executive Secretary, Surveyor, Drivers, Peon) are the complete positions which needs to be filled if the applicants possess the following educational degrees such as BE, MBA, ICMA/CA, MS.c, M.A, DAE and Matric with relevant expertise are needed to apply for such posts. Applicants will be appointed on contract basis for the period of two years which will be extended further on account of satisfactory performance. Attractive pay package will be given to the applicants. Now, I will let you know about it's further details below.
Public Sector Organization
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | BE, MBA, ICMA/CA, MS.c, M.A, DAE, Matric, Literate |
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Oil Marketing Company Jobs 2017 in Pakistan Apply Online
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Get the recent career offer from Oil Marketing Company Jobs 2017 in Pakistan Apply Online. This well leading and famous Oil & Marketing Company with its above that 400 retails across the country is recently felt the need to renew and have the experience of experienced applicants who are good, diligent and devotional workers to hire them against these posts such as (Manager Engineering, Assistant Manager Procurement and Procurement Executive) are the vacancies which requires the services of eligible and suitable applicants with the same expertise and relevant qualification. So, those applicants who are going to apply for these posts must go through its details and then tap to apply if you really possess the same amenities. So, now, lets move towards its educational and experience requirements and the applying process.
Oil & Marketing Company
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Graduation, Master's |
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Virtual University of Pakistan Lahore Jobs 2017 Apply Online Last Date
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Applications are being offered from the well known institute named Virtual University of Pakistan Lahore Jobs 2017 Apply Online Last Date. One of the famous name in the top universities named "Virtual University of Pakistan" is seeking to hire the well educated, professional, experienced and adroit applicants are required to fill the following posts which include Academic as well as Non-Academic posts such as (Professor (Computer Science & Management Science), Associate Professor Computer Science, Management Science, Sociology, Economics), Assistant Professor (Computer Science, Statistics, Mathematics, Management Sciences, Economics, Sociology & Molecular Biology), Lecturer (Computer Sciences, Mathematics, Management Sciences etc , Tutor/Instructor (Computer Science, Mathematics, Supply Chain Management etc) and ample of the non-academic posts are vacant to be filled with overall qualification of M.Phil, Ph.D, Masters, Matric, Literate and relevant expertise are required to apply for such posts. Attractive salary package will be given to the applicants with brilliant atmosphere. Now, I will let you know about it's further details.
Virtual University of Pakistan
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Ph.D, M.Phil, Master's |
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Abb Takk News TV Channel Jobs 2017 Reporters, Anchors and Cameraman
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Here is good news for the Pakistani Nationals that Abb Takk News TV Channel Jobs 2017 Reporters, Anchors and Cameraman are available. Abb Takk News TV Channel is one those news channels which are working brilliantly to update us by the latest national and internationals affairs 24 hours a day and to make its services much better it is looking to hire freshers and experienced professionals for which it has announced job opportunities and it is golden opportunity for all those who wanted to be part of any TV Channel and here on 04th March 2017 AbbTakk news channel has announced various jobs in different fields like HR, Accounts, Bureau, On Air Promotion, Out Put Desk, In Put Desk, Fashion Department, Marketing and etc. Candidates from all over Pakistan having can apply and there is the only condition is this that only Graduates can apply for these jobs and there is no experience is required. So, all those candidates who are passionate to be a part of media should step forward and apply confidently in the relevant field in which you have interest. In the following, we’ll discuss some of the vacant positions and then you’ll have complete how to apply procedure.
Abb Takk News Channel
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Graduation |
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PKLI Lahore Jobs 2017 For General Manager Online Apply Latest Add
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For the seekers of govt jobs here a brilliant job opportunity is being offered from PKLI Lahore Jobs 2017 For General Manager Online Apply Latest Add. Applications are currently invited from the Pakistan Kidney & Liver Institute & Research Center Lahore is the famous and well known Institute is recently inviting and looking to appoint the dynamic, responsible, caliber and well disciplined applicants are required to apply for the post of (General Manager) is the positions which requires to be filled by the applicants before end date. As the post is senior and it carries awesome salary package with suitable atmosphere will be given to the applicants. So, for the applicants of Lahore its the great offer to get and one can apply before due date. So, now, let's head towards its rest of the details below.
Pakistan Kidney & Liver Institute & Research Center
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | LL.B, LL.M |
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IDAP Punjab Jobs Jan 2017 Online Form Download Latest Add
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Here in the following a recent job opportunity is being offered from IDAP Punjab Jobs Jan 2017 Online Form Download Latest Add Applications are currently announced from the Infrastructure Development Authority Punjab is the Govt body which is seeking and looking to hire the eligible, caliber and well disciplined applicants are required to apply for the following positions which includes (Manager Contracts, Manager Procurements, Manager Quality Control, Assistant Manager MIS, Assistant Manager Accounts, General Manager Engineering & Planning (Project Monitoring Office), Manager Engineering & Planning Project Monitoring Office), General Manager Architecture & Planning Project Monitoring Office), Manager Architecture & Planning Project Monitoring Office), General Manager Procurement Project Monitoring Office), Manager Procurement Project Monitoring Office), Manager Hospital Information System Project Monitoring Office), Manager Projects Project Monitoring Office) and Manager IT Project Monitoring Office) are the current posts which needs to be filled by the applicants along with overall qualification of Masters in different disciplines as Engineering/Finance/Law, Business Administration/Education, Architecture/IT/Computer Science and much more with relevant expertise are required to apply for such posts. Attractive salary package will be given to the applicants with suitable atmosphere. Now, i will let you know about its rest of the details below.
Infrastructure Development Authority Punjab
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters |
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Oil & Gas Sector Jobs 2016 in Pakistan Apply Online Last Date
(Job Expired)
Guys, here i am in connection with you along with a marvelous job offer from Oil & Gas Sector Jobs 2016 in Pakistan Apply Online Last Date. One of the well wanted and well reputed company/sector named Oil and Gas Sector which is looking to hire the well disciplined, professional, highly skilled persons are required to apply and fill the following vacancies which includes Deputy General Manager (Corporate), Deputy Manager (Media Relations), Chief Manager Corporate, Deputy Manager (Disaster Recovery), Deputy General Manager (Litigation), Assistant Manager (Disaster Recovery), Deputy Chief Manager (Litigation), AIX Administrator, MIS Officer (Legal Department), Wintel Administrator, Chief Security Officer, Deputy Manager (SHARES), Manager Audit & Compliance, Assistant Manager, Manager Cost, Budget & Accounts and Protocol Officer are the complete posts in this sector to be filled with overall qualification of LL.B, MBA, B.E, BCS, BCS, Graduation, Masters from the well reputed institutes along with multiple tasking and responsibilities and skills are needed to apply and fill these wonderful vacancies are needed to apply for these jobs. Attractive salary package will be given to the applicants with peaceful atmosphere. Now, i will let you know about its applying criteria below.
Oil & Gas Sector
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | LL.B, MBA, B.E, BCS, BCS, Graduation, Masters |
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PIEDMC Jobs Oct 2016 for General Manager Marketing Eligibility Criteria
(Job Expired)
Here in the following I am going to enlist the current job opportunities from PIEDMC Jobs Oct 2016 for General Manager Marketing Eligibility Criteria. The applicants are required to fill the number of the vacant situations over there which is the Govt of Punjab's well known company named Punjab Industrial Estate Development Management Company is looking to recruit the energetic, well disciplined, caliber, capable applicants are required to upgrade the industrialization and to establish the new ones is looking to recruit the applicants for the following posts which includes General Manager Technical, General Manager Special Projects, General Manager Marketing are the posts which needs to be filled by the applicants at the proper time and before due date. The eligibility criteria is entirely same as BS.c (Civil Engineering), MS.c, MBA is required from the HEC recognized university and having the relevant expertise of 15 and 5 years are required to apply. Male & Female are required to apply because the company is an equal opportunity employer. Age limit should be 40 years for all the posts. The company offers the best remuneration package along with fringe benefits, growth offer and best atmosphere will be given to the applicants. So, after having these details now let's move on to have its applying criteria below.
Punjab Industrial Estates Development and Management Company
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | BS.c, MS.c, MBA |
New vacancies for General Manager jobs 2025 and General Manager openings jobs in 2026 are listed online with new General Manager jobs posted daily. Previous General Manager jobs 2024 can also be applied for online. Make money from home or the office by choosing the right General Manager job for your qualification and experience. By applying to today's jobs at General Manager Punjab, Sindh, KPK, Balochistan, Gilgit Baltistan, AJK, you join a growing team.