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Latest Assistant Director Jobs in Pakistan 2025
Assistant Director Jobs in Pakistan 2025 Upcoming Latest Mar
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Planning Commission Govt of Pakistan Jobs 2014 Islamabad
(Job Expired)
Jobs are vacant in Planning Commission, Ministry of Planning, Development & Reform, Federal Government, Pakistan. Planning Commission Govt of Pakistan Jobs 2014 Islamabad. Planning Commission is seeking for highly qualified, very experienced, promising, dynamic, self driven, innovative, and committed candidate for the vacant positions such as (Project Director, ICT Consultant, Chief ICT / Director IT, Joint Director (Software Appl. Development), Joint Director (Operational Support) and etc). Appointment of the above mentioned positions is on contract basis and duration of contract is 18 months which is extendable on satisfactory performance. Those candidates who are willing to apply for the vacant positions must have qualification and maximum experience in the relevant filed according to the eligibility criteria mentioned in the image posted below. Interested candidates who fulfill the criteria mentioned in the image, should submit their applications and be a part of well reputed Department. It is good opportunity for all those who have higher qualifications and they wanted to work in such type of Government Department, so feel free to apply for the vacant positions.
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | PhD, MS, CSE, EE, CS, BS, BCS, BS, BSE, BA, BSC |
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SBBU Jobs 2014 for Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff Download Form
(Job Expired)
Jobs are vacant in Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University, Sheringal, Khyber Pakhtunkwa. SBBU Jobs 2014 for Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff Download Form. SBBU is one of the leading educational institute which is working brilliantly for the progress of higher education in KPK. University has facilitate the students of Pakistan with different facilities related to higher education but for now it provides you a job opportunity that would help you to secure your future. SBBU is seeking for highly educated, very experienced, dynamic, professionals, and well disciplined candidates for Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff and University invites applications from interested candidates to join this leading educational institute fulfill their dream of achieving the success and list of required Teaching and Non-Teaching staff is given below. Candidates with higher qualifications and maximum experience are welcome to apply for the job. It is a very good opportunity for all those who have higher qualification and they wanted to work in such type of educational institute, so feel free to apply for it and be a part of this leading educational institution of KPK. Interested candidates read carefully the eligibility criteria given in the image posted below, before apply for the job.
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | PhD, FCMA, CA, MA, LLB, M.Com, MBA |
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Federal Govt Jobs 2014 in Punjab, Sindh, KPK, Balochistan & AJK
(Job Expired)
Jobs are vacant in Semi Government Organization, Federal Government, Pakistan. Federal Govt Jobs 2014 in Punjab, Sindh, KPK, Balochistan & AJK. Federal Government is seeking for highly qualified, very experienced, promising, dynamic, self driven, innovative, and committed candidate for the vacant positions such as (Assistant Development Officer (B-17), Assistant Director (Legal) (B-17), Assistant Agronomist (B-17), Assistant Plant Pathologist (B-17), Assistant Entomologist (B-17), Assistant Chemist (B-17), Assistant Research Officer (B-17) and etc). Appointment of the above mentioned positions is on contract basis and it is extendable on satisfactory performance and candidates from every province can apply for the vacant positions. Those candidates who are willing to apply for the vacant positions must have qualification and maximum experience in the relevant filed according to the eligibility criteria mentioned in the image posted below. Interested candidates who fulfill the criteria mentioned in the image, should submit their applications and be a part of well reputed Organization. It is good opportunity for all those who have higher qualifications and they wanted to work in such type of Government Department, so feel free to apply for the vacant positions.
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MSC, LLB, BSC, B.Com, Graduation, D.Com, Intermediate, Matric |
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Govt of KPK Jobs 2014 Assistant, Engineer, Computer Operator & LDC
(Job Expired)
Jobs are vacant in Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar. Govt of KPK Jobs 2014 Assistant, Engineer, Computer Operator & LDC. Govt. of KPK is looking to hire staff for its new project in KPK and FATA and it is seeking for highly qualified, very experienced, promising, dynamic, self driven, innovative, and committed candidate for the vacant positions such as (Deputy Director (Planning & Monitoring), Financial Specialist, Planning & Monitoring Specialist, Infrastructure Specialist, Procurement Specialist, Assistant Director (Infrastructure & Procurement) and etc). Appointment of the mentioned vacant positions is on contract basis and duration of contract is one year which is extendable on satisfactory performance till the project life and candidates having KPK and FATA domicile are eligible to apply. Those candidates who are willing to apply for the vacant positions must have qualification and maximum experience in the relevant filed according to the eligibility criteria mentioned in the image posted below. Interested candidates who fulfill the criteria mentioned in the image, should submit their applications and be a part of well reputed Department. It is good opportunity for all those who have higher qualifications and they wanted to work in such type of Government Department, so feel free to apply for the vacant positions.
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | BSC, MBA, Master, MBBS, MSC, DAE, BSC, B.Com, FA, FSC, Intermediate |
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Antiquities Department Punjab Jobs 2014 in Lahore, Gujranwala & Sahiwal
(Job Expired)
Jobs are vacant in Antiquities Department, Government of Punjab, Bawahwalpur, Taxila to Swat, Lahore, Sahwal and Gujranwala. Antiquities Department Punjab Jobs 2014 in Lahore, Gujranwala & Sahiwal. Antiquities Department is seeking for highly qualified, very experienced, promising, dynamic, self driven, innovative, and committed candidate for the vacant positions for different projects start in different districts of Punjab and list of vacant position is given below. Appointment of the above mentioned positions is on contract basis and it is extendable on satisfactory performance. Those candidates who are willing to apply for the vacant positions must have qualification and maximum experience in the relevant filed according to the eligibility criteria mentioned in the image posted below. Interested candidates who fulfill the criteria mentioned in the image, should submit their applications and be a part of well reputed Department. It is good opportunity for all those who have higher qualifications and they wanted to work in such type of Government Department, so feel free to apply for the vacant positions.
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MA, BE, BSC, Matric, Middle, Relevant Diploma |
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Punjab Seed Corporation (PSC) Lahore Jobs 2014 NTS Test Forms
(Job Expired)
Jobs are vacant in Punjab Seed Corporation, Government of Punjab, Lahore. Punjab Seed Corporation (PSC) Lahore jobs 2014 NTS Test Forms. NTS Jobs are available for the citizens of Punjab in Punjab Seed Corporation Department on contract basis for two years. Department is seeking for highly educated, very experienced, hard working, self motivated, determined, dynamic, professionals and well disciplined individuals for vacant positions such as (Joint Director Processing, Assistant Director Processing, Assistant Engineer Civil, Assistant Director Marketing / Administration, Assistant Director Farms / Procurement and etc), these vacant position is for all over the Punjab, that candidates having Punjab Domicile can apply for the vacant position. Punjab Seed Corporation has given authority to NTS to conduct Written Test and interviews for the vacant positions. Those who are interested and willing to apply for the vacant job in Punjab Seed Corporation Lahore, must have qualification and maximum experience in the relevant field according to the eligibility criteria mentioned in the image posted below. Interested candidates who fulfill the criteria mention in the image posted below, should submit their applications and be a part of this well renowned department. It is a golden chance for all those who have qualification and they are looking for to have good job in such type of government department, so feel free to apply for this job.
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | BSC, MSC, MBA, Graduation, B.Com, I.Com, D.Com, Matric, Middle |
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LDA Jobs 2014 Assistant, Data Entry Operator & Sub Engineer NTS Test Form
(Job Expired)
Jobs are vacant in Lahore Development Authority (LDA), Government of Punjab, Lahore. LDA Jobs 2014 Assitant, Data Entry Operator & Sub Engineer NTS Test Form. NTS Jobs are available for the Pakistani Nationals Lahore Development Authority Department. LDA is seeking for highly educated, very experienced, hard working, self motivated, determined, dynamic, professionals and well disciplined individuals for vacant positions such as (Assistant Director (Accounts) (BS-17), Sub Engineer (Survey) (BS-11) and Data Entry Operator (BS-10)), these vacant position is for those candidates who have Punjab domicile. LDA has given authority to NTS to conduct Written Test and interviews for the vacant positions. Those who are interested and willing to apply for the vacant job in LDA, must have qualification and maximum experience in the relevant field according to the eligibility criteria mentioned in the image posted below. Interested candidates who fulfill the criteria mention in the image posted below, should submit their applications and be a part of this well renowned department. It is a golden chance for all those who have qualification and they are looking for to have good job in such type of government department, so feel free to apply for this job.
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBA, M.Com, Intermediate, D.Com, I.Com, DCS, Relevant Diploma |
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PPSC Jobs 2014 in Law and Parliamentary Affairs & Home Department
(Job Expired)
Jobs are vacant in Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC), Government of the Punjab, Lahore. PPSC Jobs 2014 in Law and Parliamentary Affairs & Home Department. PPSC Jobs are available for the citizens of Punjab. Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) is seeking for highly educated, very experienced, hard working, self motivated, determined, dynamic, professionals and well disciplined staff for different vacant positions in department of Government of the Punjab such as (Assistant Director (Medical) in Home Department, Veterinary Officer (BS-17) and Assistant Research Officer (BS-17) in Livestock & Dairy Development Department, Additional Director in Law and Parliamentary Affairs Department). Appointments are going to be held on contract basis according to the Government’s Policy. These vacant positions are in such department which comes under Government of the Punjab. Selection for the above mentioned vacant positions is going to be held under PPSC. PPSC was established by government of the Punjab for the purpose of selection of candidates for different positions on purely merit basis. PPSC will conduct test and interviews for the above mentioned vacant positions. Those who are interested and willing to apply for the job must have maximum qualification and experience in the relevant field according to the eligibility criteria mentioned in the image posted below.
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBBS, DVM Degree, MSC, LLM, LLB |
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PPSC Jobs 2014 in Punjab Forestry Wildlife & Fisheries Department
(Job Expired)
Jobs are vacant in Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC), Government of the Punjab, Lahore. PPSC Jobs 2014 in Punjab Forestry Wildlife & Fisheries Department. PPSC Jobs are available for the citizens of Punjab. Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) is seeking for highly educated, very experienced, hard working, self motivated, determined, dynamic, professionals and well disciplined staff for different vacant position in department of Government of the Punjab such as (Assistant Director Wildlife (BS-17)) in the Punjab Forestry Wildlife & Fisheries Department. Appointments are going to held on contract basis according to the Government’s Policy. These vacant positions are in such department which comes under Government of the Punjab. Selection for the above mentioned vacant position is going to be held under PPSC. PPSC was established by government of the Punjab for the purpose of selection of candidates for different positions on purely merit basis. PPSC will conduct test and interviews for the above mentioned vacant position. Those who are interested and willing to apply for the job must have maximum qualification and experience in the relevant field according to the eligibility criteria mentioned in the image posted below.
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MSC Zoology |
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BUET Khuzdar Jobs 2014 for Faculty & Non-Teaching Staff
(Job Expired)
Jobs are vacant in Balochistan University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), Khuzdar. BUET Khuzdar Jobs 2014 for Faculty & Non-Teaching Staff. BUET is one of the leading educational institute which is working brilliantly for the progress of higher education in Khuzdar. University has facilitate the students of Pakistan with different facilities related to higher education but for now it provides you a job opportunity that would help you to secure your future. BUET is seeking for highly educated, very experienced, dynamic, professionals, and well disciplined candidates for Faculty and Non-Teaching Staff. BUET invites applications from interested candidates to join this leading educational institute fulfill their dream of achieving the success and list of required Faculty and Non-Teaching staff is given below. Candidates with higher qualifications and maximum experience are welcome to apply for the job. It is a very good opportunity for all those who have higher qualification and they wanted to work in such type of educational institute, so feel free to apply for it and be a part of this leading educational institution of Balochistan. Interested candidates read carefully the eligibility criteria given in the image posted below, before apply for the job.
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | PhD, MA, Graduation, Intermediate, Matric |
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Public Sector Org Jobs 2014 Assistant Accounts, Finance & Admin
Jobs are vacant in Public Sector Organization, Government of Punjab, Lahore. Public Sector Org Jobs 2014 Assistant Accounts, Finance & Admin. Public Sector Organization is seeking for highly qualified, very experienced, promising, dynamic, self driven, innovative, and committed candidate for the vacant positions such as (Director General IT, Assistant Director (Finance), Assistant Director (Development & Procurement), Motor Transport Officer, Executive Secretary, Senior Accounts Office, Budgets / Accounts / Finance / Admin Assistant, Peons / Office Helper, Driver, Security Guard and Sweeper). Appointment of the above mentioned vacant position is on contract basis and it is extendable on satisfactory performance. Those candidates who are willing to apply for the vacant position must have qualification and maximum experience in the relevant filed according to the eligibility criteria mentioned in the image posted below. Interested candidates who fulfill the criteria mentioned in the image, should submit their applications and be a part of well reputed organization. It is good opportunity for all those who have higher qualifications and they wanted to work in such type of Government Department, so feel free to apply for the vacant positions.
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | N/A |
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Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Jobs 2014 for BPS-17 to BPS-01
Jobs are vacant in Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Jobs 2014 for BPS-17 to BPS-01. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is seeking for highly qualified, very experienced, promising, dynamic, self driven, innovative, and committed candidate for the vacant positions such as (Assistant Director (Equivalent to BPS-17), Office Assistant cum Accountant and Naib Qasid). Appointment of the above mentioned vacant position is on contract basis and which is extendable on satisfactory performance. Those candidates who are willing to apply for the vacant positions must have qualification and maximum experience in the relevant filed according to the eligibility criteria mentioned in the image posted below. Interested candidates who fulfill the criteria mentioned in the image, should submit their applications and be a part of well reputed department. It is good opportunity for all those who have higher qualifications and they wanted to work in such type of Government Department, so feel free to apply for the vacant positions.
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | N/A |
New vacancies for Assistant Director jobs 2025 and Assistant Director openings jobs in 2026 are listed online with new Assistant Director jobs posted daily. Previous Assistant Director jobs 2024 can also be applied for online. Make money from home or the office by choosing the right Assistant Director job for your qualification and experience. By applying to today's jobs at Assistant Director Punjab, Sindh, KPK, Balochistan, Gilgit Baltistan, AJK, you join a growing team.