Monday, 10th March, 2025
quote “our lord! Forgive me and my parrents, and (all) the believers on the day when the reckoning will be established – Quran 14:41”
9th Roza
04:40 AM
06:41 PM

Directory of Pakistan Postal Codes, Dialing Codes & Country Codes

Get Pakistan Directories such as Postal Codes, Dialing Codes, and Country Code at this page of our site. The basic purpose of developing this page is to facilitate our honorable viewers, which keep on visiting our site on daily basis and gives us feedback on our services. So, on the demand of our viewers, we have developed this page where you’ll have easy access to all the postal codes, dialing codes, and country codes with ISO codes, Code, Population with rank Number in the list of populated countries, and Area Square Kilometers and Area vise position among the 237 countries of the world. All this information can be accessed by visiting the following buttons given below. So, enjoy our services and keep giving us your feedback so that we’ll improve our facilities as per your requirements.

Directory of Pakistan Postal Codes, Dialing Codes & Country Codes




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