Mandi Bahauddin city is located in the province Punjab, Pakistan and Jobs in Mandi Bahauddin 2024-2025 are those which are announced in Government OR Private sector in Mandi Bahauddin district. The city covers the total area of 7,623 kilometers square and 2,943 square miles. The city located in between the rivers of Chenab and Jhelum and is the capital of district Mandi Bahauddin. The city has 27 Union Councils and 2 towns namely PHALIA and MALAKWAL. In 1506 a Sufi Saint Hazrat Bahaudin established a settlement named Pindi Bahaudin in the northeastern corner which was named as “Gondal Bar” and after his migration from this town this place become common for commercial use and is termed as “Mandi” which means Market in common language. The actual establishment of this city was from 1506 AD but after the independence of Pakistan a canal line linked this city and due to this the city undergoes development and become a developed city. The city has all the facilities of human welfare and many categories of jobs are available in this city.