Jobs are vacant in Planning and Development Department, Punjab Economic Opportunities Programme (PEOP), Government of Punjab, Lahore. P & D Department Punjab Jobs 2014 Assistant, Accounts Officer & Coordinator. Planning and Development Department is seeking for well qualified, experienced, hardworking and well behaved candidates for the vacant positions which are on contract basis according to the Government’s Policy and duration of contract is extendable on satisfactory performance and positions are Lahore based. Those candidates who are willing to apply for the vacant positions must have qualification and maximum experience in the relevant filed according to the eligibility criteria mentioned in the image posted below. Interested candidates who fulfill the criteria mentioned in the image, should submit their applications and be a part of well reputed Department. It is good opportunity for all those who have higher qualifications and they wanted to work in such type of Government Department, so feel free to apply for the vacant positions.
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Master, MBA, Gradation, B.Com |
Jobs are vacant in Planning and Development Department, Government of Punjab, Lahore. Planning & Development Deptt. Punjab Jobs 2014 Project Director. P&D Department is seeking for highly qualified, very experienced, promising, dynamic, self driven, innovative, and committed candidate for the vacant position such as (Additional Project Director (BS-19)). Appointment of the above mentioned positions is on contract basis and duration of contract is on contract basis and it is extendable on satisfactory performance. Those candidates who are willing to apply for the vacant positions must have qualification and maximum experience in the relevant filed according to the eligibility criteria mentioned in the image posted below. Interested candidates who fulfill the criteria mentioned in the image, should submit their applications and be a part of well reputed department. It is good opportunity for all those who have higher qualifications and they wanted to work in such type of Government Department, so feel free to apply for the vacant position.
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MA, MBA |
Jobs are vacant in Planning and Development Department, Government of Punjab, Lahore. Planning & Development Dept Jobs 2014 Director Govt of Punjab. Planning and Development Department is seeking for highly qualified, very experienced, promising, dynamic, self driven, innovative, and committed candidate for the vacant positions such as (Director Punjab Economic Research Institute (PERI)). Appointment of the above mentioned position is on contract basis according to the Government’s policy. Those candidates who are willing to apply for the vacant positions must have qualification and maximum experience in the relevant filed according to the eligibility criteria mentioned in the image posted below. Interested candidates who fulfill the criteria mentioned in the image, should submit their applications and be a part of well reputed department. It is good opportunity for all those who have higher qualifications and they wanted to work in such type of Government Department, so feel free to apply for the vacant positions.
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | PhD |
Jobs are vacant in Planning and Development Department, Government of Punjab, Rawalpindi. Planning & Development Dept Rawalpindi Jobs 2014 Govt of Punjab. Planning and Development Department is seeking for highly qualified, very experienced, promising, dynamic, self driven, innovative, and committed candidate for the vacant positions such as (Sub Divisional Officer (BS-17) and Sub Engineer (BS-17)). Appointment of the above mentioned vacant position is on contract basis and it is extendable on satisfactory performance and candidates having domicile of Punjab are eligible to apply. Those candidates who are willing to apply for the vacant positions must have qualification and maximum experience in the relevant filed according to the eligibility criteria mentioned in the image posted below. Interested candidates who fulfill the criteria mentioned in the image, should submit their applications and be a part of well reputed department. It is good opportunity for all those who have higher qualifications and they wanted to work in such type of Government Department, so feel free to apply for the vacant positions.
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | BSC, 3 Years Diploma (Civil Technology) |
Jobs are vacant in Agency for Barani Area Development, Planning and Development Department, Government of Punjab, Rawalpindi. Planning & Development Punjab Jobs for 2014 BPS-17 to BPS-04. Planning and Development Department is seeking for highly qualified, very experienced, promising, dynamic, self driven, innovative, and committed candidate for the vacant positions such as (Geologist (BPS-17), Hydraulic Design Engineer (BPS-17), Data Analyst Stenographer (BPS-12) and Driver (BPS-04)). Appointment of the above mentioned vacant position is on contract basis and it is extendable on satisfactory performance. Those candidates who are willing to apply for the vacant position must have qualification and maximum experience in the relevant filed according to the eligibility criteria mentioned in the image posted below. Interested candidates who fulfill the criteria mentioned in the image, should submit their applications and be a part of well reputed department. It is good opportunity for all those who have higher qualifications and they wanted to work in such type of Government Department, so feel free to apply for the vacant positions.
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MSC Geology, BSC Civil Engineering, BA, Matric |
Jobs are vacant in Southern Punjab Poverty Alleviation Project (SPPAP), Planning and Development, Government of Punjab, Lahore. Planning & Development Department Jobs 2014 for Admin & Accounts Officer. Planning and Development Department is seeking for highly qualified, very experienced, promising, dynamic, self driven, innovative, and committed candidate for the vacant positions such as (Procurement Officer (BS-17), Admin & Accounts Officer (BS-17), Assistant Director (Agriculture) (Agriculture) (BS-17) and Assistant Director (Livestock) (BS-17)). Appointment of the above mentioned vacant position is on contract basis and which is extendable on satisfactory performance. Those candidates who are willing to apply for the vacant positions must have qualification and maximum experience in the relevant filed according to the eligibility criteria mentioned in the image posted below. Interested candidates who fulfill the criteria mentioned in the image, should submit their applications and be a part of well reputed department. It is good opportunity for all those who have higher qualifications and they wanted to work in such type of Government Department, so feel free to apply for the vacant positions.
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | N/A |
Jobs are vacant in Planning and Development Department, Government of Punjab, Bahawalpur. Planning & Development Department Punjab Jobs 2014 for Consultant. Planning and Development Department is seeking for highly qualified, very experienced, promising, dynamic, self driven, innovative, and committed candidate for the vacant position such as (Consultant Finance & Consultant Community Development). The vacant position is for the Southern Punjab Poverty Alleviation Project (SPPAP) in four district of Punjab such as Bahawalpur, Bahawalnagar, Muzaffargarh and Rajanpur. Appointment of the above mentioned vacant position is on contract basis according to the Government’s policy and it is extendable on satisfactory performance. Those candidates who are willing to apply for the vacant position must have qualification and maximum experience in the relevant filed according to the eligibility criteria mentioned in the image posted below. Interested candidates who fulfill the criteria mentioned in the image, should submit their applications and be a part of well reputed department. It is good opportunity for all those who have higher qualifications and they wanted to work in such type of Government Department, so feel free to apply for the vacant positions.
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | N/A |
Jobs are vacant in Planning and Development Department, Government of Punjab, Lahore. Planning & Development Department Punjab Jobs 2014 Chief Economist. Planning & Development Department is seeking for highly qualified, very experienced, promising, dynamic, self driven, innovative, and committed candidate for the vacant position such as (Chief Economist). Appointment of the vacant position is purely on contract basis according to the Government’s Policy and duration of contract is three years. Those candidates who are willing to apply for the vacant positions must have qualification and maximum experience in the relevant filed according to the eligibility criteria mentioned in the image posted below. Interested candidates who fulfill the criteria mentioned in the image, should submit their applications and be a part of well reputed department. It is good opportunity for all those who have higher qualifications and they wanted to work in such type of Government Department, so feel free to apply for the vacant positions.
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | N/A |
Jobs are vacant in Planning & Development Department, Government of Punjab, Bahawalpur. Planning & Development Deptt Punjab Jobs 2014 Accounts Assistant. Planning & Development Department is seeking for highly qualified, very experienced, promising, dynamic, self driven, innovative, and committed candidate for the vacant positions such as (Accounts Assistant and Office Assistant) for its new project in Bahawalpur Southern Punjab Poverty Alleviation Project (SPPAP). Appointment of the above mentioned vacant positions are on contract basis according to the Government’s Policy and duration of contract is 1 year which is extendable on satisfactory performance. Those candidates who are willing to apply for the vacant position must have qualification and maximum experience in the relevant filed according to the eligibility criteria mentioned in the image posted below. Interested candidates who fulfill the criteria mentioned in the image, should submit their applications and be a part of this department. It is good opportunity for all those who have higher qualifications and they wanted to work in such type of government department, so feel free to apply for the vacant positions.
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | N/A |