ANF Jobs 2025 Online Apply Last Date | are announced which are ready to apply at the official job portal, i.e., but before that let me discuss What is Anti Narcotics Force, What is ANF Jobs Uniformed / Civilians what are the basic tasks performed under ANF Jobs, and what is the ANF Jobs Salary offered by the Federal Executive Bureau as per the policy of the Government of Pakistan.
The Anti Narcotics Force operates under the Government of Pakistan, which is responsible for taking serious action against narcotics smuggling and use within Pakistan. Basically, ANF performs all activities under the Pakistan Army and Ministry of Narcotics Control Pakistan.
Under ANF Jobs the announced jobs are of Uniform Staff and Civilian Staff and if we talk about Uniform Staff the hot jobs that are always in demand, i.e. Inspector / Sub Inspector / Assistant Sub Inspector (ASI) and ASF Corporal Jobs are the vacancies for which job seekers work hard, maintain their Physical Fitness to get appointed.
For ANF Jobs Civilian Staff the aspirants all need qualifications from Master to Matric with different skills i.e. Shorthand, Computer Basics, Computer Typing, etc. If we talk about ANF Jobs Salary then Anti Narcotics Force offers handsome salary packages as per the Basic Scales starting from Rs. 30,000 to Rs. 100,000/- Per month with fringe benefits as per its recruitment policy.
In the following all ANF Jobs are available to apply online or by download ANF Application Form by visiting the official website / Also, you can download or view ANF Roll Number Slip 2025