Jobs in Torghar 2024-2025 are available for the KPK domiciled living in Torghar District of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Torghar district is the smallest district located in the province Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The total area of this district is 4,579 kilometer square and 1,768 square miles. The name Torgarh is derived from Pashtu language which means “BLACK MOUNTAIN” because of presence of many black hills and mountains is named as TORGARH. Pashtu is the main language and Urdu, English, Hindko are spoken by the people of this district. On 28 January 2011 it acquired the status of district. The city is divided into 11 Union Councils. Major tribes of this district include: Akazai, Basi Khel, Nusrat Khel, Mada Khel, Hassanzai and Akhunkhail Durani tribes are found in this city. Mineral in this city contains Marble, China clay, Granite are found in this city. Primary education is available in this city and no qualified teachers are available in this city. Jobs regarding this city are easily available on social websites and on newspapers.