Tank city is located in the province Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan near Waziristan and Jobs in Tank 2024-2025 are given above. It is situated on the north-west of Indus River and is close to the Takht-i- Sulaiman Range. The total area of this district is 1,679-kilometer square and 648 square miles. There are 16 Union Councils of this city. The city is extremely cold in winters and many people from other cities come and enjoy this season. Saraiki language is spoken mostly and on the other hand Urdu, English and Pashtu language are also spoken. Tank city is not so developed because there is only one hospital no great institutes and clean water for drinking is also not available which are the worst problems being faced by the people of this city. But on the other hand, PPP Government has established the passport office. People of this locality earn their livelihood by farming, landownership, gun running, falcon catching and by doing such sort of business they earn their livelihood.