Here at this page you’ll have Danish School Mianwali Jobs 2016 for Teaching & Non Teaching Staff Latest. Jobs in Daanish School (Boys & Girls) Harnoli, Mianwali are available and it is looking for highly educated, very experienced, hardworking and well disciplined candidates for the following teaching and non-teaching positions such as (Teachers, Doctor, Hostel Superintendent, Assistant Physical Training Instructor, Lab Assistant, Junior Clerk, Mess Incharge, Bus Driver, Mess Store Keeper, Carpenter, Naib Qasid)). These jobs are available for both Boys and Girls Campus and will be on contract basis which is extendable on satisfactory performance. Candidates willing to apply should possess qualification and experience and age as per the eligibility criteria mentioned in the following image and generally required academic qualification is from Masters to Middle and relevant experience and skills is compulsory for every post. For eligible candidates we have provided how to apply procedure in the following heading, so read it carefully.
Danish School Mianwali
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | PhD, MPhil, M.Ed, B.Ed, Masters, BA, BSc, FA, I.Com, Matric, Middle |
Today at this page we are going to enlist a job opportunity from Malala Yousafzai Danish School Boys & Girls Jobs 29 February 2016 Attock Latest is inviting and looking for the caliber, talented and hardworking individuals for the vacant positions of Subject Teachers namely Maths Teacher, English Teacher, Urdu Teacher,Chemistry Teacher, Physics Teacher, Computer Science Teacher, Biology Teacher, Social Studies Teacher, Assistant Physical Training Instructor and Lab Assistant (Biology, Physics, Chemistry & IT) are available to be filled. The qualification which is required for these vacant situations requires the M.A, M.Sc in the following subjects, Diploma in Physical Education, B.Sc, BCS in Computer Science is required. the additional expertise of M.Phil,Ph.D, B.ED/M.ED from a recognized institute is required. The age limit is 23-40 and 25-30 years. All those candidates whoa re having the interest in the Teaching line and think that they can hold the job meticulously through their skills so they are welcome with red carpet to apply for the above mentioned jobs if they fulfill the above said requirements education and expertise of the relevant teaching subjects. All the jobs are on contract basis and they will be recruited directly. So now lets tap towards the applying method.
Malala Yousafzai Danish School Boys & Girls
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | M.A, B.A/B.ED, M.Sc. MCS,BCS,BCS, M.Phil, Ph.D, Relevant Diploma, |
Here the good opportunities is waiting for the individuals about a career opportunity from Danish School (Boys) Jobs 25 February 2016 in Chishtian For Male Teachers Latest is inviting the applicants for the recruitment of Male Teachers over there. The School is the well renowned school is the leading institute of Govt of Punjab is now offering the vacant situations for the jobless applicants and those who are seeking such sort of excellent job are cordially invited to show and surf their services for the vacant positions which includes all the subject teachers as English, Mathematics, Urdu, Physics, Chemistry,Biology, Computer Science, Fine Arts, Social Studies, Islamic Studies and Librarian are required with qualification of M.A, M.Sc in the following subjects along with field experience from a recognized institution and M.Phil, Ph.D holders will be preferred over there. The excellent salary package will be offered to the candidates along with Ph.D & M.Phil allowances also. So those candidates who are willing and se4eking the teaching fields so have a look at this page read and ameliorate all the details and hit to apply. Let's turn towards the applying method and vacant situations.
Danish School (Boys)
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | M.A, M.Sc, Ph.D, M.Phil |
Here at this page you’ll get Daanish School Hasilpur Jobs 04 February 2016 Teaching & Non Teaching Staff. Jobs in Daanish School (Girls), Hasilpur are available and this top ranked Government Educational Institute is looking to recruit following positions from self motivated, dedicated and energetic professionals against the following positions such as (Teacher Chemistry, Assistant PTI, Senior Clerk, IT Lab Attendant, Driver (Teacher), Tailor, Cook Tandorchi, Security Guard, Helper Cook, Waiter and Dishwasher). Appointment of above mentioned position will be done on purely contract basis and duration of contract can be extendable on satisfactory performance. Candidates willing to apply should compare themselves with the requirements which are mentioned in the following image and according to the criteria candidates should possess qualification from Masters to Middle as per the vacant positions because these positions are for everyone. So, only suitable candidates should apply as pr the following how to apply procedure given in the following heading.
Daanish School Hasilpur
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MSc, MEd, B.Ed, BA, BSC, B.Com, Intermediate, Matric, Middle |
Here you at this page we’ll discuss about Daanish School Hasilpur Jobs January / February 2016 Application Form. Jobs in Daanish School Hasilpur are available and it is looking to recruit following teaching / non teaching staff for which it is seeking for highly educated, very experienced, hardworking and well disciplined candidates for the following positions such as (Doctor, Maths Teacher, General Science Teacher, Physics Teacher, English Teacher, Art Teacher, Islamiyat Teacher, Counseling Officer, Hostel Superintendent, (Physical Training Instructor), Junior Clerk, Library Attendant, Nursing Attendant, Hostel Boy, Carpenter, Security Guard, Naib Qasid, Hair Dresser, Cook, Cook Helper, Mess Waiter / Dish Washer). All positions are in contract basis for which only eligible male candidates should apply. Candidates willing to apply should possess relevant qualification and experience as per the criteria mentioned in the following image. Candidates who fulfill the criteria for qualifications and experience are encouraged to apply as per the following how to apply procedure which is given in the very next heading.
Daanish School Hasilpur
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBBS, M.Sc, MA, BA, BSc, Intermediate, Matric, Middle, Relevant Diploma |
Here at this page we’ll discuss about Danish School DG Khan Jobs 2015 Eligibility Criteria & Last Date. Jobs in Punjab Daanish Schools DG Khan are available and it is looking for well educated, very experienced, hardworking and well disciplined having domicile of Punjab for the following positions such as (Qari / Imam, Hostel Superintend, Assistant PTI, Senior Clerk, Science Lab Assistant, Mess Incharge, Store Keeper, Junior Clerk, Store Keeper, IT Lab Attendant, Nursing Attendant, Library Attendant, Hostel Boy, Tailor, Hair Dresser, Cook, Security Guard, Helper, Waiter, Dish Washer and Naib Qasid). Appointments of above mentioned positions will be done on purely contract basis as per the policy of Government of Punjab and duration of contract is extendable on satisfactory performance. Both male and female candidates are welcome to apply but they have to compare themselves with the eligibilities mentioned in the following image and according to the criteria candidates having qualification from Masters to Middle are eligible to apply against the relevant position. So, only suitable candidates should apply as per the following how to apply procedure given in the following heading.
Punjab Daanhish Schools Dera Ghazi Khan
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MA, BA, BSC, FA, Matric, Middle, Relevant Diploma |
Here at this page you’ll have Danish School Vice Principal Jobs 2015 Rahim Yar Khan Hasilpur and Chishtian. Jobs in Daanish Schools and Centers of Excellence Authority, Lahore, Government of the Punjab are available and it is looking to recruit following positions for its schools working in Rahim Yar Khan, Hasilpur and Chishtian and for this purpose it invites applications from Male & Female candidates who are highly educated, very experienced, hardworking and well disciplined for the following position such as (Vice Principal) there are total 6 posts are available 3 for males and 3 for females. Candidates willing to apply should possess MA, MSc, 04 years honors 2nd Division from a recognized university or equivalence degree from a foreign University and minimum 05 years experience serving in a residential school in any administrative capacity besides teaching such as deputy head, coordinator, house master / mistress. For further information about job responsibilities of vacant position please examine following image posted below. For eligible candidates we have provided complete how to apply procedure in the very next heading.
Punjab Daanish School
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MA, M.Sc |
Here at this page you’ll have Danish School Hasilpur Jobs Oct / Nov 2015 Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff. Jobs in Daanish School (Girls), Hasilpur are available and it invites applications from the Punjab Domiciled candidates who are highly educated, very experienced, hardworking and well disciplined for the following positions such as (Teacher English, Teacher Physics, Junior Clerk (Accounts), Library Attendant, Nursing Attendant, Hostel Girls, Bus Conductor, Electrician, Tailor, Naib Qasid, Hair Dresser and Security Guard). Appointment of above mentioned positions will be held on contract basis and duration of contract is extendable on satisfactory performance. Candidates willing to apply should have relevant qualification, skills and experience as per the criteria mentioned in the following image posted below and according to the criteria those who wanted to apply for Teaching Posts should have Masters degree and M.Ed, B.Ed degree and those who wanted to apply for Non-Teaching Posts should have Intermediate or Matric degree with relevant experience to apply. In the following heading you’ll have how to apply procedure which would help you to apply easily for the above mentioned vacant positions.
Daanish School (Girls) Hasilpur
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MA, MSC. M.Ed, B.Ed, D.Com, Matric |
Here at this page you’ll have Punjab Daanish School Principal Jobs 2015 Rahim Yar Khan & Muzaffargarh. Jobs in Punjab Daansh Schools are available and it is seeking for highly educated, very experienced, motivated, hardworking and well disciplined candidates for the following position such as (Principal) for Daanish School (Boys), Rahim Yar Khan, District Rahim Yar Khan and Centre of Excellence Schools (Boys) Muzaffargarh. Above mentioned vacant positions are on contract basis which is extendable on satisfactory performance. Candidates willing to apply should possess qualification MA, MSC with 2nd Division from recognized university or equivalent degree from foreign, MPhil / PhD will be given preference and also have 10 to 15 years experience. Candidates should have Strong leadership and interpersonal skills and must have proficiency in written and spoken English and proficient working on computer. Only suitable candidates should apply as per the how to apply procedure mentioned below.
Punjab Daanish School
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | PhD, MPhil, MA, MSC |
Here at this page we provide you Punjab Daanish School Jobs 2015 Fazilpur Latest Advertisement. Jobs in Punjab Daanish School Fazilpur Tehsil and District Rajanpur are available and currently it is seeking for highly educated, experienced, hardworking and well disciplined candidates for the following positions such as (Doctor, English Teacher, Chemistry Teacher, Maths Teacher, Physics Teacher, Computer Teacher, Librarian, Assistant Physical Instructor, Science Lab Assistant, Security Guard, Carpenter and Turbine Operator). Appointments will be done on contract basis as per the policy of Government of Punjab and it is extendable on satisfactory performance. Candidates willing to apply should possess relevant qualification and experience according to the criteria mention in the image posted below. For Boys school only male candidate and for girls schools only female candidates are eligible to apply. It is good opportunity for all those candidates who are well educated and looking for to have job in any Government Sector.
Punjab Daanish School Fazilpur
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBBS, MSC, MA, MCS, BSC, Matric |
Here at this page we provide you Danish School Rahim Yar Khan Jobs 2015 Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff. The Daanish School is the well reputed Government Schools Chain established by the Government of Punjab and currently wonderful job opportunities are available in it and due to this it is looking for highly educated, experienced, hardworking and well disciplined candidates for the following vacant positions such as (Doctor, Chemistry Teacher, Physics Teacher, Math Teacher, Assistant Physical Instructor, Hostel Superintendent, Junior Clerk, Lab Assistant, Driver and etc). Recruitment of above mentioned vacant positions will be done on contract basis as per the policy of Government of Punjab and it is extendable on satisfactory performance. Applicants willing to apply should possess qualification and experience according to the criteria mentioned in the image posted below and only Punjab Domiciled candidates are eligible to apply.
Danish School Rahim Yar Khan
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBBS, MSC, MA, B.Ed, BSC, FA, FSC, Matric, Middle |
A well reputed school chain working under Government of Punjab offers Danish School Jobs 2015 Fazilpur Tehsil & District Rajanpur Latest Advertisement. Jobs in Danish School are available and due to this it is seeking for highly educated, very experienced, hardworking and well disciplined candidates for the following positions (English Teacher, Head Clerk, Junior Clerk, Hostel Warden, Hostel Boy / Girls, Dispenser, Generator Operator / Mechanic Electrician, Plumber, Security Guard, Naib Qasid, Gardner, Driver and etc) and only Punjab Domiciled candidates are eligible to apply. Appointments will be done on contract basis as per contract policy of Government of Punjab and it is extendable on satisfactory performance. Applicants willing to apply should possess qualification and experience according to the eligibility criteria mentioned in the image posted below and only eligible candidates should apply.
Punjab Danish Schools
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MA, BA, BSC, FA, ICS, Matric, Relevant Diploma |