Jobs in Sargodha 2024-2025 for residents of Sargodha district are provided above. Sargodha city is located in the province Punjab, Pakistan. The total area of this city is 5,854 kilometers square and 2,260 square miles and is one the 8th number in the list of populous cities. The city was founded by LADY TROOPER in 1903 and acquired the status of district in 1960. Majority of the population of this city consist of Muslims. The language of this city is Punjabi and Urdu and English is also spoken over there. The city have 59 towns and 22 Union Councils. The city has extremely hot in summers and have mild cold in winters. The economy of this city is based on industries and agriculture and here wheat, rice, sugarcane and citrus fruits and is famous on 6th number in the production of Citrus Fruits. Pakistan Air Force PAF Base Mushaf is situated in this city which is the hometown to combat commanders. Many notable personalities belong to this city. Volleyball and Kabaddi are the famous sports of this city. Mela Maweshian is the festival which is celebrated everywhere. Jobs related to this city are published in the newspapers and on internet websites.