Rahim Yar Khan city is located in the south west of Punjab province, Pakistan and Jobs in Rahim Yar Khan 2024-2025 are given by the Government / Private department/companies. The total area of this city is 89-kilometer square and 34 square miles. The city is the capital of Rahimyar Khan district. The city comprises of 8 Union Councils and 4 towns. The climate of this city is hot and dry in summer and cold and dry in winter season. In 1943 it was declared as the district. Physically features of this city includes three types namely Riverine area, Canal irrigated area and Desert area which is named as Cholistan. The city has ample of sights for tourists and have biggest hospitals and educational institutes. The main source of income of this city includes different industries and agricultural fruit production especially mangoes of this city are popular in whole of Pakistan and are also exported in Foreign countries. The city comprises of 3 municipal committee and 5 Town committees. Jobs of all categories are present in all sectors and on daily basis vacant places are advertised in newspapers and on internet webs for unemployed individuals.