Kamalia city is a tehsil in the Toba Tek Singh District in the province Punjab, Pakistan and Jobs in Kamalia 2024-2025 are available announced in a top newspaper of Pakistan. The tehsil consists of 13 union councils and six towns. Most of the great personalities belong to this tehsil. The tehsil consists of many villages in its surrounding. The economy of this tehsil is based on Poultry farming, Agricultural Farming, Tunnel farming and sugar industry are the main source of this economy of this tehsil. The tehsil has many historical tombs of great personalities. Mainly the Punjabi language is spoken in this area. The tehsil has many well known educational institutes and all the basic facilities are present in this city are required by the human being. The jobs in this area are vacant approximately in all departments especially industrial jobs are in large number where an adroit individual can utilize its skill and get the job and earn money easily.