Tharparkar district is located in the Sindh province, Pakistan and Jobs in Tharparkar 2024-2025 are provided above. It’s the 23rd district and is the headquarter of Mithi. The total area of this district is 19,638 kilometer square and 7,582 square miles. It’s the less developed district from rest of the districts. The languages of this district is DHATKI language which is RAJASTHANI language and Sindh and Urdu languages are also spoken there. Its divided into 5 TALUKAS namely CHACHRO, DIPLO, ISLAMKOT, MITHI, NANGARPARKAR. There is no stream of fresh water lakes and streams its deserted area where scarcity of water is abundant. The name THAR PARKER is derived from THUL which means “SAND REGION” or PARKAR means “TO CROSSOVER”. It’s the desert of Sindh and the area has no plains mountains and is completely deserted dry area. The climate is extremely hot in summers and has a mild coldness in winter season. Most of the sightseer visit this area and capture pictures and revel there.