Okara is the capital city of Okara district located in the province Punjab, Pakistan and Jobs in Okara 2024-2025 are given by the Government of Punjab. The city is surrounded by Lahore and Faisalabad from southwest is 100km by passing away from Ravi River. The city is divided into 10 Union Councils. The name Okara is derived from “Okaan” a type of a tree. Sahiwal city is the nearest city of Okara. Okara city is the agricultural city and is popular for its Cotton Industry which is the biggest source of economy. In terms of Population it is the biggest district of Pakistan and has a large storing capacity. The total area of this city is 199 kilometer square and 77 square miles. The postal code of this city is 56300. The city is having Dairy Farms and Mitchels Farm and also rich in livestock.